Advanced Automation Techniques in Adaptive
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About The Book:
About The Book:
This volume exhibits editors' exploration just as significant ongoing discoveries on the utilizations of present day innovations in electrical and electronic building to computerize a portion of the basic assembling forms customarily managed in the mechanical and materials designing orders. The book incorporates the most recent research results accomplished through applied innovative work extends in the course of recent years at the Gentec Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore.
Contents Of The Book:
Chapter 1: Overview of Material Processing Automation.
Chapter 2: Process Development and Approach for 3D Profile Grinding/Polishing.
Chapter 3: Adaptive Robotic System for 3D Profile Grinding/Polishing.
Chapter 4: Acoustic Emission Sensing and Signal Processing for Machining Monitoring and Control.
Chapter 5: Techniques of Automatic Weld Seam Tracking.
Chapter 6: Weld Pool Geometry Sensing and Control in Arc Welding.
Chapter 7: Automatic GTAW System Control and Teleoperation.
Chapter 8: Laser Material Processing and It's Quality Monitoring and Control.
Information About The Book:
Title: Advanced Automation Techniques in Adaptive.
Language: English.
Size: 7.15 Mb.
Pages: 321.
Format: Pdf.
Year: 2002.
Edition: 1.
Author: Xiaoqi Chen and Rajagopalan Devanathan, Aik Meng Fong.