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Liquid Penetrant Testing Download pdf

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 Liquid Penetrant Testing pdf

About The Book:

This is an extraordinary asset to utilize when reading for Level 2 or Level 3 tests, or only for reference. This is an absolute necessity for anybody in the field of non-dangerous tests.

Contents Of The Book:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Chapter 2: Principles of Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Chapter 3: Characteristics of Liquid Penetrant and Processing Materials.
Chapter 4: Care and Maintenance of Liquid Penetrant Test Materials.
Chapter 5: Interpretation of Liquid Penetrant Indications.
Chapter 6: Surface Preparation and Cleaning.
Chapter 7: Liquid Penetrant Testing Equipment.
Chapter 8: Comparators and Reference Panels.
Chapter 9: Liquid Penetrant Testing Crack Detection Capabilities and Reliability.
Chapter 10: Liquid Penetrant System Chemistry and Effluent Waste.
Chapter 11: Filtered Particle Testing.
Chapter 12: Liquid Penetrant Testing in Primary Metals Production.
Chapter 13: Electric Power Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Chapter 14: Aerospace Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Chapter 15: Various Applications of Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Chapter 16: Liquid Penetrant Testing Glossary.
Chapter 17: Liquid Penetrant Testing Bibliography.

Information About The Book:

Title: Liquid Penetrant Testing (Nondestructive Testing Handbook (3rd Ed.), V. 2.).
Language: English.
Size: 13.5 Mb.
Pages: 498.
Format: Pdf.
Year: 1999.
Edition: 3.
Author: Noel A. Tracy and Patrick O. Moore.