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Electronic Circuits Fundamentals and Applications Routledge Download PDF

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Circuits Fundamentals and Applications Routledge
Picture Of The Book:
Electronic Circuits Fundamentals and Applications Routledge pdf

About The Book:

The substance of the book is coordinated with the most recent courses of the pre-degree (Level II through, including Foundation and Higher National degree), which makes this content a precious reference for all degrees of study and covers its broad inclusion of contextual investigations situated in settings Engineering in reality. What's more, every semester incorporates a commonsense report planned for upgrading learning and giving a premise to advance handy work.

Contents Of The Book:

Chapter 1: Electrical fundamentals.
Chapter 2: Passive components.
Chapter 3: D.C. circuits.
Chapter 4: Alternating voltage and current.
Chapter 5: Semiconductors.
Chapter 6: Power supplies.
Chapter 7: Amplifiers.
Chapter 8: Operational amplifiers.
Chapter 9: Oscillators.
Chapter 10: Logic circuits.
Chapter 11: Microprocessors.
Chapter 12: The 555 timer.
Chapter 13: Test equipment andmeasurements.
Chapter 14: Fault finding.
Chapter 15: Sensors and interfacing.
Chapter 16: Circuit simulation.
Chapter 17: The PIC microcontroller.
Chapter 18: Electronic applications and Raspberry Pi.
Chapter 19: Circuit construction.

Information About The Book:

Title: Electronic Circuits Fundamentals and Applications Routledge.
Language: English
Format: PDF 
Year: 2015
Author: Tooley Michael.