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Advanced Power Electronics Converters
Picture Of The Book:
About The Book:
This book centers around PWM control connectors that work with the AC utility. This is a significant and contemporary subject in present day vitality gadgets, where vitality change that connections utilities has gotten progressively predominant in vitality transformation applications. Since this book explicitly covers transformer themes, it has given extra extension to investigating the subtleties of every topology, idea, and plan of vitality hardware connectors. Dependability, dynamic execution and remuneration structure for control connectors, just as more extensive points, for example, control systems, are among the significant themes talked about.
Contents Of The Book:
Chapter 1: Introduction.
Chapter 2: Power Switches And Overview Of Basic Power Converters.
Chapter 3: Power Electronics Converters Processing AC voltage And Power Blocks Geometry.
Chapter 4: Neutral-Point-Clamped Configuration.
Chapter 5: Cascade Configuration.
Chapter 6: Flying-Capacitor Configuration.
Chapter 7: Other Multilevel Configurations.
Chapter 8: Optimized PWM Approach.
Chapter 9: Control Strategies For Power Converters.
Chapter 10: Single-Phase To Single-Phase Back-To-Back Converter.
Chapter 11: Three-Phase To Three-Phase And Other Back-To-Back Converters.
Information About The Book:
Title: Advanced Power Electronics Converters.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Year: 2015.
Edition: 1.
Author: Euzeli dos Santos and Edison R. da Silva.