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Make Electronics
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Make Electronics
Everyone uses electronic devices, but most of us don’t really know what goes
on inside them.
Of course, you may feel that you don’t need to know. If you can drive a car
without understanding the workings of an internal combustion engine, pre-
sumably you can use an iPod without knowing anything about integrated cir-
cuits. However, understanding some basics about electricity and electronics
can be worthwhile for three reasons:
• By learning how technology works, you become better able to control
your world instead of being controlled by it. When you run into problems,
you can solve them instead of feeling frustrated by them.
• Learning about electronics can be fun—so long as you approach the pro-
cess in the right way. The tools are relatively cheap, you can do all the work
on a tabletop, and it doesn’t consume a lot of time (unless you want it to).
• Knowledge of electronics can enhance your value as an employee or per-
haps even lead to a whole new career.
Contents of the book :
Experiment 1: Taste the Power.
Experiment 2: Let’s Abuse a Battery.
Experiment 3: Your First Circuit .
Experiment 4: Varying the Voltage.
Experiment 5: Let’s Make a Battery.
Experiment 6: Very Simple Switching.
Experiment 7: Relay-Driven LEDs.
Experiment 8: A Relay Oscillator.
Experiment 9: Time and Capacitors.
Experiment 10: Transistor Switching.
Experiment 11: A Modular Project.
Experiment 12: Joining Two Wires Together.
Experiment 13: Broil an LED.
Experiment 14: A Pulsing Glow.
Experiment 15: Intrusion Alarm Revisited.
Experiment 16: Emitting a Pulse.
Experiment 17: Set Your Tone.
Experiment 18: Reaction Timer.
Experiment 19: Learning Logic.
Experiment 20: A Powerful Combination.
Experiment 21: Race to Place.
Experiment 22: Flipping and Bouncing.
Experiment 23: Nice Dice.
Experiment 24: Intrusion Alarm Completed.
Experiment 25: Magnetism.
Experiment 26: Tabletop Power Generation.
Experiment 27: Loudspeaker Destruction.
Experiment 28: Making a Coil React.
Experiment 29: Filtering Frequencies.
Experiment 30: Fuzz.
Experiment 31: One Radio, No Solder,No Power.
Experiment 32: A Little Robot Cart.
Experiment 33: Moving in Steps.
Experiment 34: Hardware Meets Software.
Experiment 35: Checking the Real World.
Experiment 36: The Lock, Revisited.
Information about the book :
Titel : Make Electronics.
Languguage : English.
Size : 11.7 MB
Pages : 351
Format : PDF
Year : 2009
Edition : 1
The Author : Charles Platt.