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Machine Learning Systems
Picture Of The Book:
Machine Learning Systems.
About The Book:
AI Systems: Designs that are generally consolidated instruct you to structure and execute ML frameworks prepared for creation. You will gain proficiency with the standards of intuitive plan while building pipelines with Spark, making profoundly versatile administrations with Akka, and utilizing amazing AI libraries, for example, MLib in huge datasets. Models use Scala, yet similar thoughts and instruments work in Java too.
Contents Of The Book:
Chapter 1: Learning reactive machine learning.
Chapter 2: Using reactive tools.
Chapter 3: Collecting data.
Chapter 4: Generating features.
Chapter 5: Learning models.
Chapter 6: Evaluating models.
Chapter 7: Publishing models.
Information About The Book:
Title: Machine Learning Systems: Designs that scale.
Language: English.
Size: 12.3 Mb.
Pages: 253.
Format: Pdf.
Year: 2018.
Edition: 1.
Author: Jeff Smith.