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20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects
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20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects
About The Book:
Arduino's world-saving projects show that it needs more than a few tools, some wires and sensors, an Arduino panel, and a little gloss to build devices that reduce energy bills, help you develop our food, and monitor pollution in the air and in the ground, beware of earthquakes. Arduino projects to save the world offer the types of sensors needed to collect environmental data from temperature sensors to motion sensors ..
Here are twenty amazing Arduino projects that you almost wouldn't believe, if not for that they are the real deal. These authors have turned their wildest dreams into
reality with the power of Arduino, an easy-to-use microcontroller development board. It is no wonder that Arduino literally translates to "Strong friend (masculine)" in
Italian. Anything is possible with the mighty power of Arduino. It's compact, it's straightforward, and makes embedding electronics into the world-at-large fun and easy.
Check out some of these amazing projects, and get inspired to build your own reality.
Contents Of The Book:
Chapter 1: LED Cube 8x8x8.
Chapter 2: Power Laces- the Auto lacing shoe.
Chapter 3: Plantduino Greenhouse.
Chapter 4: The EyeWriter 2.0.
Chapter 5: Twitter Mood Light - The World's Mood in a Box.
Chapter 6: Flamethrowing Jack-O'-Lantern.
Chapter 7: Make a 24X6 LED matrix.
Chapter 8: Secret Knock Detecting Door Lock.
Chapter 9: turn signal biking jacket.
Chapter 10: Tree Climbing Robot.
Chapter 11: Rave Rover - Mobile Dance Stage.
Chapter 12: Type Case, the making of a low-resolution display.
Chapter 13: Sigh Collector.
Chapter 14: Make a Fire Breathing Animetronic Pony from FurReal Butterscotch or S'Mores.
Chapter 15: Tweet-a-watt - How to make a twittering power meter.
Chapter 16: Bubblesteen Bubble Machine.
Chapter 17: Arduino R/C Lawnmower (painted).
Chapter 18: How to Build an Arduino Powered Chess Playing Robot.
Chapter 19: A Makers Wedding - Photo booth.
Information About The Book:
Title: 20 unbelievable arduino projects.
Language: English.
Size: 30.1 Mb.
Pages: 431.
Format: PDF
Year: 2010.
Edition: 1.
Author: Multiple.