Download 200 Transistor circuits PDF
101-200 Transistor circuits PDF
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101-200 Transistor circuits PDF
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This e-book contains 100 transistor circuits. The second part of this e-book will contain more
100 circles.
Most of them can be made with ingredients from your "junk mailbox" and hopefully you can put it together
Together in less than an hour.
The idea of this book is to make you enjoy putting things together and nothing
More rewarding than seeing something work.
It's amazing what you can do with some transistors and some extra components. and this is
It is the right place to start.
Most circuits are "self-contained" and produce a result with less than 5 parts.
We have introduced a simple way to produce your own speaker adapter by winding the turns
on a piece of ferrite rod. Many components can be obtained from radios, toys, and transistor radios
Other pieces of discarded equipment you will find everywhere.
To save space, we did not provide lengthy explanations of how the circuits work. This has
There are two types of transistor: PNP and NPN.
We called the NPN transistor BC547. This means that you can use any NPN transistor, such as
Such as 2N2222, BC108, 2N3704, BC337 and hundreds of others. Some circuits use TUN for transistors
Universal NPN This is the same as ours - the type of transistor is just to let you know
It is not critical.
BC557 can be replaced with: 2N3906, BC327 and many more.
Don't worry too much about the type of transistor. Just make sure it's an NPN, that's the type
If the type of transistor is unknown, then you need to select the leads and then put them in the circuit.
You have the option of building a circuit "in the air", or using a test board (without soldering
breadboard), matrix board, or even a homemade printed circuit board. The choice is up
You but the idea is to keep the cost to a minimum - so don't buy anything expensive.
If you take parts of old equipment, it will be better to weld them together "in the air" (as is
It will not be suitable for placement on a soldering board because the threads will be too bent
This way it can be reused over and over again.
No matter what you do, I know you'll be eager to hear some "loud" circuits.
Before you begin, our Homemade Speaker Adapter Project and Transistor Tester are
The first things you should look at.
If you are starting in electronics, check out the simplest circuit in the world. Shows how the transistor
He works and three transistors in the 8 Million Gain project will detect microscopic levels of static charge
Electricity! You can search the index but the project names do not give you complete information
Describe what they do. You need to look at the circles. I am sure you will.
Contents Of The Book
Circuits in red are in 101-200 Circuits
Information Of The Book
File Name Of The Book : 101-200 Transistor circuits PDF