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Electronics Projects Vol 26 Download PDF

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Electronics Projects Vol 26 PDF
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Download Electronics Projects Vol 26 PDF

About Of The Book :

This volume of Electronics Projects is the twenty-sixth in the series published by EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd. It is a compilation of 21 construction projects and 71 circuit ideas published in Electronics For You magazine in 2005.In keeping with the past trend, all modifications, corrections, and additions sent by the readers and authors have been incorporated into the articles. It is a sincere endeavor on our part to make each project as  error-free and comprehensive as possible. However, EFY is not responsible  if readers are unable to make a circuit successfully, for whatever reason. 
This collection of tested circuit ideas and construction projects in a handy volume would provide all classes of electronics enthusiasts—be they students, teachers, hobbyists, or professionals—with a valuable resource of electronic circuits, which can be fabricated using readily available and reasonably priced components. These circuits could  either be used independently or in combination with other circuits described in this and other volumes. We are confident that this volume,  like its predecessors, will generate tremendous interest amongst the readers.

Contents Of The Book :

Section A: Construction Projects
1. Microcontroller-based real-time clock
2. Standalone scrolling display using AT90S8515 AVR
3. Remote-controlled digital audio processor
4. Device control through PC’s parallel port using visual basic
5. Auto changeover to generator on mains failure 
6. PC-based scrolling message display
7. Low-cost energy meter using ADE7757 
8. Two-wheeler security system
9. Medium-power low-cost inverter
10. Programmable timer based on AT90S4433 AVR 
11. Manual AT89C51 programmer
12. Computerised electrical equipment control
13. Remote-controlled stepper motor
14. Digital stopwatch
15. Infrared interruption counter
16. Audio mixer with multiple controls
17. Noise-muting FM receiver
18. PC-based stepper motor controller
19. Automatic 3-Phase induction motor starter
20. Using AVR microcontrollers for projects
21. Speed checker for highways
Section B: Circuit Ideas
1. Audio amplifier for personal stereo
2. Infrared object counter
3. Long-range burglar alarm using laser torch 
4. Musical light chaser
5. Automatic soldering iron switch
6. Versatile LED display
7. Auto turn-off battery charger
8. Pencell charge indicator
9. Miser Flash
10. PC-based timer
11. Atmel AVR ISP dongle
12. Digital frequency comparator
13. Manual EPROM programmer
14. Wireless stepper motor controller 
15. Simple digital security system
16. Multiple applications of high-power LEDs
17. Automatic bathroom light with back-up lamp 
18. Digital audio/video input selector 
19. Accurate foot-switch 
20. MicroMotor Controller
21. Power-on reminder with LED lamp
22. Mains interruption counter with indicator
23. Simple low-power inverter
24. Solar bug
25. Remote control for home appliances
26. Mock alarm with call bell
27. Power-saver LED lamp 
28. Mains supply failure alarm
29. Sound-operated switch for lamps
30. TV pattern generator
31. Rechargeable torch based on white LED 
32. 16-way clap-operated switch
33. Brake failure indicator
34. Battery charger with automatic switch-off
35. Multidoor opening alarm with indicator
36. Safety guard
37. White LED-based emergency lamp and turning indicator
38. Inexpensive car protection unit
39. Dog caller
40. Smart cellphone holder

Information Of The Book :

Title: Electronics Projects Vol 26 Download PDF
Language: English.
Size: 16 Mb.
Pages: 216.
Format: PDF.