Download Experiments in Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits Fundamentals PDF
Experiments in Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits Fundamentals PDF
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About Of The Book :
‘This laboratory manual is designed to be used with Electronics Fundamentals: Circul
Devices, and Applications, the Edition, and Electric Circuits Fundamentals, the edition, by
‘Thomas Floyd. This fourth edition of the lab manual retains the experiments that have made
the first three editions were successful, including
‘# Close correlation to Floyd's texts with exercises that build on those presented in the
text. This is done by providing a workbook format for the experiments and including
Related Experiments to augment the Application Assignment given in the text. In
In addition, Checkup pages have additional exercises that are taken from the material
presented in the text and the lab manual.
‘Flexibility. A Further Investigation section, with less structure than the experiment, is,
{included with each experiment as an enhancement. This section can be assigned
as part of the experiment or used as an extra credit assignment depending on the
particular time allowed and instructor preference.
Features from previous editions have been retained. These include the For Further Investigation section that provides a measure of flexibility, the Checkup page with questions from the text and the laboratory, the Application Assignment and Related Experiment, and the section entitled Reference Guide to Laboratory Instruments.
‘There are a total of 48 experiments covering the most important concepts in basic and linear electronics. Each experiment contains the following parts Reading: Reading assignments, which are referenced to Floyd's texts
‘Objectives: Statement of what the student should be able to do after completing the
‘The Summary of Theory is intended to reinforce the important the review of the main points prior to the laboratory
‘experience. In most cases, specific practical information needed in the experiment is presented.
Materials Needed: A list of the components and small items required but not including the equipment found at a typical lab station.
Procedure: This section contains a relatively structured set of steps for performing the experiment. Needed tables, graphs, and figures are close to the first referenced location to avoid confusion, Laboratory techniques, such as the operation of the oscilloscope, are given in detail Conclusion: A space is provided for the student to summarize the key findings from the experiment.
Evaluation and Review Questions: This section contains five questions that require the student to draw conclusions from the laboratory work and check his or her ‘understanding of the concepts. Troubleshooting questions For Further Investigation: Ths section contains specific su related laboratory work. A number of these lend themselves report or they can be used as an enhancement.
Following the experiments designed for a specific chapter of Floyd's texts are the
Application Assignment and Checkup. These pages are designed to be removed from the
book for submission. The Application Assignment begins with an answer page for the stent
to complete from the application problem given in each of Floyd's chapters. Each Application
The assignment includes a Related Experiment, which adds a problem requiring a laboratory
solution. The Checkup begins with ten multiple-choice questions and includes questions and
problems from the text and the laboratory work. These items are cross-indexed on page vii
Each laboratory station should contain a dual variable regulated power supply, a
function generator, a multimeter, and a dual-channel oscilloscope. It is useful if the laboratory
is equipped to measure capacitors and inductors. In addition, a meter calibrator, a
commercial Wheatstone bridge, and a transistor curve tracer are useful but not required. A
list of all required components is given in Appendix A.
While this manual is specifically designed to follow the sequence of Floyd's
Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits Fundamentals texts, can be used with other
texts by ignoring the references. The experiments work equally well for schools using
electron flow or conventional current flow as no specific reference to either is made in the
I have enjoyed the close collaboration with Tom Floyd on this manual. I also would
like to thank reviewers who have given suggestions for improving the experiments at various
times. These include Carl F, Ervin from the Texas State Technical Institute, Waco, Texas,
‘and George Borchers, Emest Arney, and David Terrell of ITT Technical Institute. 1
‘appreciate the help of my colleagues at Yuba College, Phil Postel, and Bill Frandrup. 1 would
‘also like to thank Carol Robison, Linda Ludewig, and Rex Davidson of Prentice Hall
Publishing Co. for their contributions and Colleen Brosnan for copyediting. Finally, I want to
acknowledge the support and encouragement of my wife, Lorraine.
Contents Of The Book :
Introduction to the Student 1
Reference Guide to Laboratory Instruments 4
Metric Prefixes, Scientific Notation, and Graphing
Laboratory Meters and Power Supply 19
Measurement of Resistance 29
Voltage Measurement and Circuit Ground
Ohm's Law 43
Power in DC Circuits 49
Series Circuits §7
The Voltage Divider 63
Parallel Circuits 73
Series-Parallel Combination Circuits #3
The Superposition Theorem 89
‘Thevenin’s Theorem 98
‘The Wheatstone Bridge 101
Magnetic Devices 111
The Oscilloscope 121
ine Wave Measurements 127
Pulse Measurements 131
Capacitors 141
spacitive Reactance 147
Inductors 187
Inductive Reactance 161
Transformers 171
Series RC Circuits 181
Parallel RC Circuits 187
Series RL Circuits 197
Parallel RL Circuits 208
Series Resonance 218
Parallel Resonance 223
Passive Filters 229
Integrating and Differentiating Cire
Diode Characteristics 249
Rectifier Circuits 259
Diode Limiting and Clamping Circuits 268
Bipolar Transistors 27
Field-Effect Transistors 281
The SCR 287
The UT 298
‘The Common-Emitter Amplifier 303
The Common-Collector Amplif
FET Amplifiers 9
‘The Push-Pull Amplifier 325
42 Oscillators 331
43. The Differential Amplifier 341
44 Op-Amp Characteristic
45 Linear Op-Amp Circuits 353
46 Nonlinear Op-Amp Circuits 363
47 The Wien Bridge Oscillator 369
48 Active Filters 375
Appendix A List of Materials for the Experiments 385
Appendix B_ Manufacturer's Data Sheets 386
Information Of The Book :
Title: Experiments in Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits Fundamentals Download PDF.
Language: English.
Size: 3 Mb.
Pages: 398.
Format: PDF.
Author: david buchla.