Download Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control: with Case Studies PDF
Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control: with Case Studies PDF
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About Of The Book :
Modern power electronics have evolved into a new era of electrical energy processing. In this context, power electronic controlled systems have become indispensable to the proper operation of power systems. Control systems theory and signal processing have become, in the last decades, vectors of research and technological innovation in the field of power electronics. Following this trend, this textbook applies control systems theory to the field of power electronics and is intended to be a reference for students and professionals working in the power systems field. It provides the reader with the tools for obtaining various models and control structures for a wide range of switching converters (with both DC and AC stages). The subject covers not only linear control techniques that use the ubiquitous proportional–integral controller, devised as early as the 1980s but also more modern nonlinear continuous or variable-structure control. The textbook Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control: With Case Studies originates from the course “Modeling and control of power electronic structures”, taught by Professor Seddik Bacha to bachelor engineers and masters in electrical engineering at Grenoble Institute of Technology and Joseph Fourier University in France since 1994. Its content has been enriched by topics and case studies issued from research work and theses developed at Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory in France in switching converters and renewable energy conversion control. Its writing has begun following the encouragements of Professor Jean-Paul Hautier, former General Administrator of E´ cole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Metiers in France. Like its main topics, the presentation style of this textbook places it at the intersection of power electronics, control systems, and signal processing, partially covering some industrial electronics areas. The spirit of the writing assumes that students possess basic knowledge within the aforementioned disciplines. Within the book, each problem is approached in both a theoretical and practical fashion, employing illustrative examples. Case studies issue close-to-real-world problems and are treated most completely. Simulations and comments therein are placed to allow insight into what concerns switching converter–control structure closed-loop operation.
Contents Of The Book :
1 Introduction
Part I Modeling of Power Electronic Converters
2 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters Modeling
3 Switched Model
4 Classical Averaged Model
5 Generalized Averaged Model
6 Reduced-Order Averaged Model
Part II Control of Power Electronic Converters
7 General Control Principles of Power Electronic Converters
8 Linear Control Approaches for DC-DC Power Converters
9 Linear Control Approaches for DC-AC and AC-DC Power Converters
10 General Overview of Mathematical Tools
Dedicated to Nonlinear Control
11 Feedback-linearization Control Applied to Power Electronic Converters
12 Energy-Based Control of Power Electronic Converters
13 Variable-Structure Control of Power Electronic
Information Of The Book :
Title: Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control with Case Studies Download PDF
Size: 9,34 Mb
Pages: 469
Year : 2014
Format: PDF