Download Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter PDF
Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter PDF
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About Of The Book :
Your personal low power transmitters are designed to meet the need for comprehensive, service based information about the design and construction of low power transmitters. Writing this text involves carefully combining details and instructions for the completion and performance of 20 low-cost audio and video media projects. Hobbyists, technicians, ham radio operators, and radio enthusiasts of all levels will find this book useful; However, the main content is designed with the needs of intermediate and advanced radio electronics specialists and researchers in mind. For the success of the project, some experience is taken from the researcher. Areas covered include RF circuits and digital systems. Printed circuit board construction is widely used and some surface-mounted construction is required. Some of these functions are controlled by microcontrollers. This document contains construction specifications for audio and video transmitters operating at frequencies from 150 kHz to 1300 MHz for Class 15 operation and for use by the novice operator. A wide range of small AM and FM audio transmitters are included, from simple, low-cost designs to sophisticated PLL built-in models. This book also provides a chapter on AM broadcast frequency for 150-1710 kHz, two FM transmitters for stereo operation 88-108 MHz, using PLL digital readout and microprocessor control, several low power (0.5- 2 watt) type of Video transmitters covering the 440, 900 and 1300 MHz amateur band, data transmitter and receiver, and a chapter on video reception techniques for special frequencies used. Other coverage includes low power CW transmitters, identification circuits, antennas and proximity messages. Many works are of the type that are not often considered published articles. They incorporate modern circuit systems, such as PLL connections and the use of microprocessors. All projects use standard and well-tested components, with PCB schematics provided for most projects, along with detailed parts lists, coil data and configuration information. Materials and coatings are suitable for many applications such as materials from the sources listed in the book. These kits include all the necessary parts and a printed and etched PC board. This quality makes it easy to get parts and ensure that every job is done well. We also discuss the legal and material ramifications and provide suggestions and advice for obtaining the best results from the project. A lot of effort has gone into making this book a practical, hands-on tool for building a successful low-maintenance sprayer. We hope that you will enjoy reading the fruits of our labor and working on the projects in it.
Contents Of The Book :
1. Low-Power Transmitters, General 1
2. Basic Building Blocks 9
3. Simple Low-Power Transmitters for Experimenters 23
4. 50 mW VFO-Controlled AM Transmitter for 530-1710 kHz 31
5. PLL Synthesized AM Transmitter for 530-1710 kHz 35
6. VFO Controlled FM Monaural Transmitter for 88-108 MHz 55
7. Basic FM Stereo Signal Generation Techniques 6
8. PLL Synthesized FM Stereo Transmitter for 88-108 MHz 69
9. Microprocessor-Controlled FM Stereo Transmitter for 88-108 MHz 93
10. 20 mW Low-Power TV Transmitter 117
11. 0.5-Watt TV Transmitter for R/C Vehicles 121
12. 2-Watt TV Transmitter for R/C and Amateur TV for 440 MHz 131
13. 1-Watt TV Transmitters for 902-928 MHz and 1240-1300 MHz 147
14. Experimental 20 mW 915 MHz PLL FM TV Transmitter 163
15. Receiving Converters and IF Systems for Low-Power ATV
16. Low-Power Narrowband FM Audio Transmitters 215
17. Serial Data Transmit-Receive System for Remote Control 223
18. RF Field-Strength Meter for 500 kHz to 3 GHz Transmitter 233
19. Low-Power CW Transmitter for 40 Meters 247
20. Single Sideband Basics 253
21. Basic Single Sideband Generator/Exciter Unit 261
22. 1-Watt CW Transmitter for the 1750-Meter “LOWFER” Band 267
23. Simple CW Identifier 273
Information Of The Book :
Title: Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter PDF
Size: 8,86 Mb
Pages: 305
Year : 2001
Format: PDF
Author: Rudolf F. Graf & William Sheets