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Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice PDF
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Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice PDF
About Of The Book :
"Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice" is a textbook that provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of circuit analysis. It covers both the theoretical principles of circuit analysis as well as practical techniques for solving circuit problems.
The book begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of circuit analysis, including Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's laws, and network theorems. It then goes on to cover more advanced topics such as circuit analysis techniques, including nodal and loop analysis, as well as the Laplace transform and its application to circuit analysis.
The book also covers a wide range of circuit elements and their behavior, including resistors, capacitors, and inductors. It also covers the analysis of AC circuits, including phasors and complex numbers, frequency response, and filters.
The book also includes a large number of examples and problems to help readers practice and reinforce the concepts presented. The textbook also includes a companion website with additional resources such as MATLAB codes, Simulink models, and additional problems and solutions.
This book is suitable for students taking an introductory course in circuit analysis, as well as for engineers and technicians looking to refresh or expand their knowledge in this field. It is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of calculus and differential equations.
This textbook is written primarily for students in electronics technology and
electrical technology programs, engineering programs, and industrial training
programs at colleges, universities, and career schools and in industry. Its goal
continues to be to meet the training needs of today’s students, their professors,
and their instructors as it has throughout its four previous editions. An introductory circuit analysis textbook, it covers fundamentals of dc and ac circuits, methods of analysis, capacitance, inductance, magnetic circuits, basic transients,
Fourier analysis, and other topics. When students successfully complete a course
using this book, they will have a good working knowledge of basic circuit principles and a demonstrated ability to solve a variety of circuit-related problems
Text Organization
The book contains 25 chapters and is divided into 5 main parts: Foundation
dc Concepts, Basic dc Analysis, Capacitance and Inductance, Foundation ac
Concepts, and Impedance Networks. Chapters 1 through 4 are introductory.
They cover the foundation concepts of voltage, current, resistance, Ohm’s law,
and power. Chapters 5 through 9 focus on dc analysis methods. Included are
Kirchhoff’s laws, series and parallel circuits, mesh and nodal analysis, Y and
transformations, source transformations, Thévenin’s and Norton’s theorems,
the maximum power transfer theorem, and so on. Chapters 10 through 14 cover
capacitance, magnetism, and inductance, plus magnetic circuits and simple dc
transients. Chapters 15 through 17 cover foundation ac concepts; ac voltage
generation; and the basic ideas of frequency, period, phase, and so on. Phasors
and the impedance concept are introduced and used to solve simple problems.
Power in ac circuits is investigated and the concept of power factor and the
power triangle are introduced. Chapters 18 through 25 then apply these ideas.
Topics include ac versions of earlier dc techniques such as mesh and nodal
analysis, Thévenin’s theorem, and so on, as well as new ideas such as resonance,
filters, Bode techniques, three-phase systems, transformers, and nonsinusoidal
waveform analysis.
Several appendices round out the book. Appendix A provides operational
instructions, reference material, and tips for PSpice and Multisim users;
Appendix B is a math-and-calculator tutorial that describes typical mathematical and calculator usage in circuit analysis—including methods for solving
simultaneous equations; Appendix C shows how to apply calculus to derive the
maximum power transfer theorem for both dc circuits and ac circuits, while
Appendix D contains answers to odd-numbered end-of-chapter problems.
Contents Of The Book :
I Foundation dc Concepts
1 Introduction
2 Voltage and Current
3 Resistance
4 Ohm’s Law, Power, and Energy
II Basic dc Analysis
5 Series Circuits
6 Parallel Circuits
7 Series-Parallel Circuits
8 Methods of Analysis
9 Network Theorems
III Capacitance and Inductance
10 Capacitors and Capacitance
11 Capacitor Charging, Discharging,
and Simple Waveshaping
12 Magnetism and Magnetic
13 Inductance and Inductors
14 Inductive Transients
IV Foundation ac Concepts
15 ac Fundamentals
16 R, L, and C Elements and the
Impedance Concept
17 Power in ac Circuits
V Impedance Networks
18 ac Series-Parallel Circuits
19 Methods of ac Analysis
20 ac Network Theorems
21 Resonance
22 Filters and the Bode Plot
23 Transformers and Coupled
24 Three-Phase Systems
25 Nonsinusoidal Waveforms
Information Of The Book :
Title: Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice Download PDF
Size: 77 Mb
Pages: 1042
Year : 2012
Format: PDF
Language : English
Author: Allan H. Robbins & Wilhelm C Miller
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