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About Of The Book :
The book begins with fundamental definitions, circuit elements including dependent sources, circuit laws and theorems, and analysis techniques such as node voltage and mesh current methods. These theorems and methods are initially applied to DC-resistive circuits and then extended to RLC circuits by the use of impedance and complex frequency. The opamp examples and problems in Chapter 5 have been selected carefully to illustrate simple but practical cases that are of interest and importance to future courses. The subject of waveforms and signals is treated in a separate chapter to increase the student’s awareness of commonly used signal models. Circuit behavior such as the steady state and transient responses to steps, pulses, impulses, and expomental inputs is discussed for first-order circuits in Chapter 7 and then extended to circuits of higher order in Chapter 8, where the concept of complex frequency is introduced. Phasor analysis, sinusoidal steady state, power, power factor, and polyphase circuits are thoroughly covered. Network functions, frequency response, filters, series and parallel resonance, two-port networks, mutual inductance, and transformers are covered in detail. The application of Spice and PSpice in circuit analysis is introduced in Chapter 15. Circuit equations are solved using classical differential equations and the Laplace transform, which permits a convenient comparison. Fourier series and Fourier transforms and their use in circuit analysis are covered in Chapter 17. Finally, two appendixes provide a useful summary of complex number systems and matrices and determinants. This book is dedicated to our students and students of our students, from whom we have learned to teach well. To a large degree, it is they who have made possible our satisfying and rewarding teaching careers. We also wish to thank our wives, Zahra Nahvi and Nina Edminister, for their continuing support. The contribution of Reza Nahvi in preparing the current edition as well as previous editions is also acknowledged.
The seventh edition of Schaum’s Outline of Electric Circuits represents a revision and timely update of materials that expand its scope to the level of similar courses currently taught at the undergraduate level. The new edition expands the information on the frequency response, polar and Bode diagrams, and firstand second-order filters and their implementation by active circuits. Sections on lead and lag networks and filter analysis and design, including the approximation method by Butterworth filters, have been added, as have several end-of-chapter problems. The original goal of the book and the basic approach of the previous editions have been retained. This book is designed for use as a textbook for a first course in circuit analysis or as a supplement to standard texts and can be used by electrical engineering students as well as other engineering and technology students. Emphasis is placed on the basic laws, theorems, and problem-solving techniques that are common to most courses. The subject matter is divided into 17 chapters covering duly recognized areas of theory and study. The chapters begin with statements of pertinent definitions, principles, and theorems together with illustrative examples. This is followed by sets of supplementary problems. The problems cover multiple levels of difficulty. Some problems focus on fine points and help the student to better apply the basic principles correctly and confidently. The supplementary problems are generally more numerous and give the reader an opportunity to practice problem-solving skills. Answers are provided with each supplementary problem.
Contents Of The Book :
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Electrical Quantities and SI Units 1.2 Force, Work, and Power
1.3 Electric Charge and Current 1.4 Electric Potential 1.5 Energy and
Electrical Power 1.6 Constant and Variable Functions
CHAPTER 2 Circuit Concepts 7
2.1 Passive and Active Elements 2.2 Sign Conventions 2.3 Voltage-Current
Relations 2.4 Resistance 2.5 Inductance 2.6 Capacitance 2.7 Circuit
Diagrams 2.8 Nonlinear Resistors
CHAPTER 3 Circuit Laws 24
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law 3.3 Kirchhoff’s Current
Law 3.4 Circuit Elements in Series 3.5 Circuit Elements in Parallel
3.6 Voltage Division 3.7 Current Division
CHAPTER 4 Analysis Methods 37
4.1 The Branch Current Method 4.2 The Mesh Current Method
4.3 Matrices and Determinants 4.4 The Node Voltage Method 4.5 Network
Reduction 4.6 Input Resistance 4.7 Output Resistance 4.8 Transfer
Resistance 4.9 Reciprocity Property 4.10 Superposition 4.11 Thévenin’s
and Norton’s Theorems 4.12 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
4.13 Two-Terminal Resistive Circuits and Devices 4.14 Interconnecting
Two-Terminal Resistive Circuits 4.15 Small-Signal Model of Nonlinear
Resistive Devices
CHAPTER 5 Amplifiers and Operational Amplifier Circuits 72
5.1 Amplifier Model 5.2 Feedback in Amplifier Circuits
5.3 Operational Amplifiers 5.4 Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal Op
Amps 5.5 Inverting Circuit 5.6 Summing Circuit 5.7 Noninverting
Circuit 5.8 Voltage Follower 5.9 Differential and Difference Amplifiers
5.10 Circuits Containing Several Op Amps 5.11 Integrator and
Differentiator Circuits 5.12 Analog Computers 5.13 Low-Pass Filter
5.14 Decibel (dB) 5.15 Real Op Amps 5.16 A Simple Op Amp
Model 5.17 Comparator 5.18 Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter
5.19 Summary of Feedback in Op Amp Circuits
CHAPTER 6 Waveforms and Signals 117
6.1 Introduction 6.2 Periodic Functions 6.3 Sinusoidal Functions
6.4 Time Shift and Phase Shift 6.5 Combinations of Periodic Functions
6.6 The Average and Effective (RMS) Values 6.7 Nonperiodic Functions
6.8 The Unit Step Function 6.9 The Unit Impulse Function 6.10 The
Exponential Function 6.11 Damped Sinusoids 6.12 Random Signals
CHAPTER 7 First-Order Circuits 143
7.1 Introduction 7.2 Capacitor Discharge in a Resistor 7.3 Establishing
a DC Voltage Across a Capacitor 7.4 The Source-Free RL Circuit
7.5 Establishing a DC Current in an Inductor 7.6 The Exponential
Function Revisited 7.7 Complex First-Order RL and RC Circuits 7.8 DC
Steady State in Inductors and Capacitors 7.9 Transitions at Switching Time
7.10 Response of First-Order Circuits to a Pulse 7.11 Impulse Response
of RC and RL Circuits 7.12 Summary of Step and Impulse Responses
in RC and RL Circuits 7.13 Response of RC and RL Circuits to Sudden
Exponential Excitations 7.14 Response of RC and RL Circuits to Sudden
Sinusoidal Excitations 7.15 Summary of Forced Response in First-Order
Circuits 7.16 First-Order Active Circuits
CHAPTER 8 Higher-Order Circuits and Complex Frequency 179
8.1 Introduction 8.2 Series RLC Circuit 8.3 Parallel RLC Circuit
8.4 Two-Mesh Circuit 8.5 Complex Frequency 8.6 Generalized
Impedance (R, L, C) in s-Domain 8.7 Network Function and Pole-Zero
Plots 8.8 The Forced Response 8.9 The Natural Response 8.10 Magnitude
and Frequency Scaling 8.11 Higher-Order Active Circuits
CHAPTER 9 Sinusoidal Steady-State Circuit Analysis 209
9.1 Introduction 9.2 Element Responses 9.3 Phasors 9.4 Impedance
and Admittance 9.5 Voltage and Current Division in the Frequency
Domain 9.6 The Mesh Current Method 9.7 The Node Voltage
Method 9.8 Thévenin’s and Norton’s Theorems 9.9 Superposition of AC
CHAPTER 10 AC Power 237
10.1 Power in the Time Domain 10.2 Power in Sinusoidal Steady
State 10.3 Average or Real Power 10.4 Reactive Power 10.5 Summary
of AC Power in R, L, and C 10.6 Exchange of Energy between an Inductor
and a Capacitor 10.7 Complex Power, Apparent Power, and Power Triangle
10.8 Parallel-Connected Networks 10.9 Power Factor Improvement
10.10 Maximum Power Transfer 10.11 Superposition of Average Powers
CHAPTER 11 Polyphase Circuits 266
11.1 Introduction 11.2 Two-Phase Systems 11.3 Three-Phase Systems
11.4 Wye and Delta Systems 11.5 Phasor Voltages 11.6 Balanced
Delta-Connected Load 11.7 Balanced Four-Wire, Wye-Connected Load
11.8 Equivalent Y- and D-Connections 11.9 Single-Line Equivalent Circuit
for Balanced Three-Phase Loads 11.10 Unbalanced Delta-Connected
Load 11.11 Unbalanced Wye-Connected Load 11.12 Three-Phase
Power 11.13 Power Measurement and the Two-Wattmeter Method
CHAPTER 12 Frequency Response, Filters, and Resonance 291
12.1 Frequency Response 12.2 High-Pass and Low-Pass Networks
12.3 Half-Power Frequencies 12.4 Generalized Two-Port, Two-Element
Networks 12.5 The Frequency Response and Network Functions
12.6 Frequency Response from Pole-Zero Location 12.7 Ideal and
Practical Filters 12.8 Passive and Active Filters 12.9 Bandpass Filters
and Resonance 12.10 Natural Frequency and Damping Ratio 12.11 RLC
Series Circuit; Series Resonance 12.12 Quality Factor 12.13 RLC Parallel
Circuit; Parallel Resonance 12.14 Practical LC Parallel Circuit 12.15 SeriesParallel Conversions 12.16 Polar Plots and Locus Diagrams 12.17 Bode
Diagrams 12.18 Special Features of Bode Plots 12.19 First-Order
Filters 12.20 Second-Order Filters 12.21 Filter Specifications;
Bandwidth, Delay, and Rise Time 12.22 Filter Approximations: Butterworth
Filters 12.23 Filter Design 12.24 Frequency Scaling and Filter
CHAPTER 13 Two-Port Networks 344
13.1 Terminals and Ports 13.2 Z-Parameters 13.3 T-Equivalent of
Reciprocal Networks 13.4 Y-Parameters 13.5 Pi-Equivalent of Reciprocal
Networks 13.6 Application of Terminal Characteristics 13.7 Conversion
between Z- and Y-Parameters 13.8 h-Parameters 13.9 g-Parameters
13.10 Transmission Parameters 13.11 Interconnecting Two-Port Networks
13.12 Choice of Parameter Type 13.13 Summary of Terminal Parameters
and Conversion
CHAPTER 14 Mutual Inductance and Transformers 368
14.1 Mutual Inductance 14.2 Coupling Coefficient 14.3 Analysis of
Coupled Coils 14.4 Dot Rule 14.5 Energy in a Pair of Coupled Coils
14.6 Conductively Coupled Equivalent Circuits 14.7 Linear Transformer
14.8 Ideal Transformer 14.9 Autotransformer 14.10 Reflected Impedance
CHAPTER 15 Circuit Analysis Using Spice and PSpice 396
15.1 Spice and PSpice 15.2 Circuit Description 15.3 Dissecting a Spice
Source File 15.4 Data Statements and DC Analysis 15.5 Control and Output
Statements in DC Analysis 15.6 Thévenin Equivalent 15.7 Subcircuit
15.8 Op Amp Circuits 15.9 AC Steady State and Frequency Response
15.10 Mutual Inductance and Transformers 15.11 Modeling Devices
with Varying Parameters 15.12 Time Response and Transient Analysis
15.13 Specifying Other Types of Sources 15.14 Summary
CHAPTER 16 The Laplace Transform Method 434
16.1 Introduction 16.2 The Laplace Transform 16.3 Selected Laplace
Transforms 16.4 Convergence of the Integral 16.5 Initial-Value and
Final-Value Theorems 16.6 Partial-Fractions Expansions 16.7 Circuits in
the s-Domain 16.8 The Network Function and Laplace Transforms
CHAPTER 17 Fourier Method of Waveform Analysis 457
17.1 Introduction 17.2 Trigonometric Fourier Series 17.3 Exponential
Fourier Series 17.4 Waveform Symmetry 17.5 Line Spectrum
17.6 Waveform Synthesis 17.7 Effective Values and Power 17.8 Applications
in Circuit Analysis 17.9 Fourier Transform of Nonperiodic Waveforms
17.10 Properties of the Fourier Transform 17.11 Continuous Spectrum
Information Of The Book :
Title: Schaum’s Outline of Electric Circuits Download PDF
Size: 23 Mb
Pages: 516
Year : 2018
Format: PDF
Language : English
Author: Mahmood Nahvi & Joseph Edminister