Download The Arduino Inventor’s Guide Learn Electronics by Making 10 Awesome Projects PDF
The Arduino Inventor’s Guide: Learn Electronics by Making 10 Awesome Projects PDF
Picture Of The Book :
About Of The Book :
The Arduino Inventor's Guide: Learn Electronics by Making 10 Awesome Projects is a book that aims to teach electronics and programming concepts using the Arduino microcontroller platform. It includes step-by-step instructions and illustrations for building 10 different projects, such as a digital thermometer, a musical instrument, and a light-sensitive nightlight. The book is intended for beginners with little to no experience in electronics or programming, and aims to provide a hands-on learning experience.
At the heart of this book is the Arduino (, an open
source microcontroller board that you can program to control LEDs,
measure temperature, react to light, interface to GPS satellites, and do much
more. Arduino is also the name of the programming language and
development environment that we will use throughout this book.
Arduino is the ultimate tool for makers looking to add control to their
projects. A quick search online for “Arduino projects” returns millions of
hits. There are thousands of projects and ideas available on sites like
Instructables,, and YouTube. That shows just how many makers
out there are using Arduino.
At SparkFun Electronics, we encourage people to experiment, play, and
tinker with common household items by altering and integrating electronics
components. This is sometimes known as hacking. This book will teach you
some core electronics and coding skills, and we hope it will inspire you to
build something new and unique with materials you find around your house.
A lot of programming books read like reference manuals, jumping right away
into coding or electrical concepts before providing context, and collecting
dust on your bookshelf until you need to look up a command or concept
you’ve forgotten.
This book is not like that. It aims to teach new concepts through fun,
interesting, and practical projects. The projects progress in complexity and
difficulty incrementally from Project 1 to Project 10, and they will help
answer the age-old questions: Why am I learning this? Why is it important?
And why should I care?
We assume you’re reading this book because you’re eager to learn
something new or looking for materials to share with others. Whether
you’re an interested novice, a teacher, a librarian, or a parent, this book is a
hands-on guide for people who want to learn and is not meant as a reference
manual to sit on your bookshelf.
You don’t need any experience with electronics or programming to get
started with Arduino. We assume you know nothing at the start and that you
may be a little apprehensive about diving in. That’s okay! This book
progresses steadily from introductory material to more complicated and
challenging projects.
We also know that there are plenty of people out there with experience
looking for something new—maybe a new spin on an old topic, such as a
fresh look at blinking LEDs. Many of these projects can be used as starting
points for you to hack and develop further or build out of better materials
for a more polished and durable finish. In the end, this book is for someone
who is proactive—a problem solver who jumps in with both feet.
We encourage you to build the projects as you go, learning by doing.
These projects have been carefully designed to introduce both the tools and
skills for programming and circuit building, as well as fabricating using
cardboard, scraps, and other household items. The fun of learning is in
playing out the entire process, and that is what this book offers.
The contents of The Arduino Inventor's Guide: Learn Electronics by Making 10 Awesome Projects includes :
Introduction to Arduino and Electronics.
Setting up your Arduino development environment.
Getting to know your Arduino board and components.
Understanding digital and analog signals.
Building your first project: a digital thermometer.
Using LEDs and buttons to create interactive projects.
Building a musical instrument with a piezo sensor.
Using a light sensor to create a light-sensitive nightlight.
Building a remote-controlled car using a motor shield.
Creating a game using an OLED display.
Advanced Arduino programming techniques.
Tips and tricks for troubleshooting and debugging your projects.
It also contains some additional resources and information on where to find more project ideas and tutorials.
Contents Of The Book :
What is This Book About?
Why Arduino?
How is This Book Different from Others?
Required Tools
Required Computer
What’s in This Book?
Online Resources
Spread the Word: Sharing Your Work
Electronics Primer
Electricity, Conductivity, and Basic Terms
What Is Electricity?
Types of Electricity
What Is a Circuit?
Ohm’s Law
Visualizing Electricity as Water in a Pipe
Schematics, Circuit Blueprints, and Wiring Diagrams
Prototyping Circuits
Discrete Components vs. Breakout Boards
Analog vs. Digital
What Is A Microcontroller?
Project 1 Getting Started with Arduino
Materials to Gather
About the Arduino
An Accessible Hardware Platform
About the SparkFun RedBoard
Installing the Arduino IDE and Drivers
Installing on Windows
Installing on OS X
Installing on Linux
A Brief IDE Tour
Changing the Default Preferences
Test Drive: Plugging in the Arduino for the First Time
Choosing Your Board in the IDE
Selecting the Communication Port
An Arduino “Hello, World!”
Basic Arduino Troubleshooting
Anatomy of an Arduino Sketch
Key Sketch Elements
The setup() Function
The loop() Function
Your First Piece of Hardware
Going Further
Saving Your Sketch
Project 2 A Stoplight for Your House
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
New Component: The Resistor
Build the Stoplight Prototype
Connect the Red LED to the Breadboard
Add Power to the Breadboard
Add the Yellow and Green LEDs
Program the Stoplight
Confirm Your IDE Settings
Create Placeholders for Pin Numbers
Write the setup() Function
Write the loop() Function
Upload the Sketch
Make the Stoplight Portable
Build the Stoplight Enclosure
Cardboard Construction
Make the Stoplight Lenses
Make the Shades
Mount the LEDs and Arduino
Going Further
Project 3 The Nine-Pixel Animation Machine
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
Build the Nine-Pixel Animation Machine Prototype
Program the Nine-Pixel Animation Machine
What Are Custom Functions?
Design Your Artwork
The Test Sketch
Build the Nine-Pixel Animation Machine Enclosure
Cardboard Construction
Connect the Electronics
Create an Led Animation
Plan the Animation Sequence
Write Custom Functions
Tweak Your loop() Function
Going Further
Project 4 Reaction Timer
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
New Component: The Push Button
How Push Buttons Work
Using Resistors with Push Buttons
Build the Reaction Timer Prototype
Program the Reaction Timer
Write the setup() Function
Write the loop() Function
Test the Reaction Timer Sketch
Play Again?
Add a Game Element
Upload the Complete Code for the Reaction Timer
Build the Reaction Timer Enclosure
Cut Out the Cardboard
Assemble the Electronics
Spice Up Your Game Enclosure
Going Further
Project 5 A Color-Mixing Night-Light
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
New Components
The Photoresistor
Build the Night-Light Prototype
Wire the Voltage Divider
Wire the RGB LED
Test the Night-Light with Basic Color Mixing
Program the Night-Light
Prepare to Check the Light Level
Control the Night-Light Based on the Light Level
Prevent False Alarms
Recalibrate the Night-Light
Create More Colors with Analogwrite()
Create Analog Signals with PWM
Mix Colors with analogWrite()
Find RGB Values with Color Picker
The Custom-Color Night-Light Code
Build the Night-Light Enclosure
Cardstock Construction
Put the Electronics Inside
Let It Glow!
Going Further
Project 6 Balance Beam
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
New Components
The Potentiometer
The Servo Motor
Build the Balance Beam Prototype
Program the Balance Beam
Test the Servo
Complete the Balance Beam Sketch
Build the Balance Beam
Cut Out the Parts
Build the Beam
Build the Base and Attach the Servo
Final Assembly
Going Further
Project 7 Tiny Desktop Greenhouse
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
New Components
TMP36 Temperature Sensor
Standard Hobby Motor
NPN Transistor
Taking a Systems Approach
Build the Temperature Monitor
Measure Temperature with the TMP36
Connect the Temperature Sensor
Program the Temperature Sensor
Build the Servo Motor Autovent
Program the Autovent
Build the Fan Motor
Program the Fan Motor
Isolate the Motor Effect
Build the Tiny Desktop Greenhouse Enclosure
Add the Autovent Window Servo
Create the Paper Clip Linkage
Add the Roof
Build the Fan-Motor Box
Connect It Up
Going Further
Project 8 Drawbot, The Robotic Artist
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
New Components
The H-Bridge Motor Driver Integrated Circuit
Geared Hobby Motor
Build the Drawbot Prototype
Program the Drawbot
Create a Custom Function
Clean Up the Code
Wire the Second Motor
Drive Both Motors
Build the Drawbot Chassis
Test and Troubleshoot
Turn and Make Patterns: A Robot Square Dance
Going Further
Project 9 Drag Race Timer
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
New Component: The 16 × 2 Character LCD
Drag Race Timer Operation
Build the LCD Circuit
Power the LCD
Control the Contrast
Connect the Data and Control Wiring
Test the LCD
Add the Rest of the Electronics
Program the Drag Race Timer
A Quick Test
Build the Drag Race Track
Build the Starting Tower
Assemble the Starting Gate
Build Your Own Track
Add the Photoresistor
Test and Troubleshoot
Going Further
Project 10 Tiny Electric Piano
Materials to Gather
Electronic Parts
Other Materials and Tools
New Components
The SoftPot Membrane Potentiometer
The Piezo Buzzer
Build the Circuit
Program the Tiny Electric Piano
Test the Buzzer
Create Specific Notes
Generate Sound with the SoftPot
Play a Song
Build the Piano
Going Further
Bonus Project: Binary Trumpet
More Electronics Know-How
Measuring Electricity with a Multimeter
Parts of a Multimeter
Measuring Continuity
Measuring Resistance
Measuring Voltage
Measuring Current
How to Solder
Heating the Iron
Perfecting Your Soldering Technique
Cleaning the Iron
Soldering Tips
Additional Soldering Tools
Third Hand
Flux Pen
Solder Wick
Solder Vacuum
Resistors and Bands
Additional Resources
Information Of The Book :
Title: The Arduino Inventor’s Guide: Learn Electronics by Making 10 Awesome Projects Download PDF
Size: 16 Mb
Pages: 410
Year : 2017
Format: PDF
Language : English
Author: Brian Huang & Derek Runberg
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