Download [PDF] Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering PDF
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering [PDF]
Picture If The Book :
[PDF] Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
About Of The Book :
"Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering – I : For WBUT" is a textbook designed for students studying electrical and electronics engineering at the undergraduate level. It is specifically tailored to meet the syllabus requirements of the West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT).
The book covers the basics of electrical and electronics engineering and includes topics such as circuits, electrical systems, and electronics. It provides a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of electrical and electronics engineering, making it a valuable resource for students who are new to the field.
In addition to theoretical explanations, the book also includes practical examples, illustrations, and problem sets to help students better understand the concepts covered. The book is written in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible and easy to follow for students of all levels.
Overall, "Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering – I : For WBUT" is considered to be a comprehensive and authoritative textbook for students studying electrical and electronics engineering at the undergraduate level and is widely used in academic settings.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering have become an important science today. More and more people are
taking a serious interest in this fascinating subject either as a career or as an absorbing hobby. This book
is designed as per the syllabus requirements of the fi rst year core paper Basic Electrical and Electronics
Engineering–I, offered to the fi rst year fi rst semester, undergraduate students of engineering in the West
Bengal University of Technology (WBUT). The material has been arranged to ensure the suitability of the
book for class use and for individual self-study. With its simple language and clear-cut style of explanation,
this book presents an intelligent understanding of the basics of electrical and electronics.
Errors might have crept in despite utmost care to avoid them. We shall be grateful if these are pointed out
along with other suggestions for the improvement of the book.
Contents Of The Book :
1 DC Networks and Network Th eorems
1-1 Introduction
1-2 DC Network Terminologies, Voltage and Current Sources
1-3 Series–Parallel Circuits
1-4 Voltage and Current Divider Rules
1-5 Kirchhoff ’s Laws
1-6 Maxwell’s Mesh Current Method
1-7 Nodal Voltage Method (Nodal Analysis)
1-8 Network Theorems
1-9 Star-Delta Transformation
2 Electromagnetism
2-1 Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
2-2 Laws of Electromagnetic Induction
2-3 Induced Emf in a Coil Rotating in a Magnetic Field
2-4 Emf Induced in a Conductor
2-5 Dynamically Induced Emf and Statically Induced Emf
2-6 Self-induced Emf and Mutually Induced Emf
2-7 Self-inductance of a Coil
2-8 Mutual Inductance
2-9 Inductance of Coils Connected in Series Having a Common Core
2-10 Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
2-11 Magnets and Magnetic Fields
2-12 Electromagnetic Laws
2-13 Magnetic Field Strength Due to Toroidal Core
2-14 Magnetization Curve of a Magnetic Material
2-15 Hysteresis Loss in Magnetic Materials
2-16 Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
2-17 Magnetic Circuits
2-18 Comparison Between Magnetic and Electric Circuits
2-19 Magnetic Leakage and Fringing
2-20 Series and Parallel Magnetic Circuits
2-21 Attractive Force or Lifting Power of Electromagnets
2-22 Magnetic Circuit Computations Using Ampere’s Circuital Law and Biot-Savart Law
3 AC Fundamentals
3-1 AC Fundamentals
3-2 Single-phase AC Circuits
3-3 Resonance in AC Circuits
4 Semiconductor Fundamentals
4-1 Introduction
4-2 Crystalline Materials
4-3 Basis of Classifi cation: Metals, Semiconductors and Insulators
4-4 Intrinsic Semiconductors
4-5 Extrinsic Semiconductors
4-6 Electrical Conduction Phenomenon
5 Diode Fundamentals
5-1 Introduction
5-2 Formation of the p –n Junction
5-3 Energy Band Diagrams
5-4 Concepts of Junction Potential
5-5 Modes of the p –n Junction
5-6 Derivation of the I–V Characteristics of a p –n Junction Diode
5-7 Linear Piecewise Models
5-8 Breakdown Diode
5-9 Applications of Diode
6 Diode Circuits
6-1 Introduction
6-2 Analysis of Diode Circuits
6-3 Load Line and Q-point
6-4 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator
6-5 Rectifi ers
7 BJT Fundamentals
7-1 Introduction
7-2 Formation of p–n–p and n–p–n Junctions
7-3 Transistor Mechanism
7-4 Energy Band Diagrams
7-5 Transistor Current Components
7-6 CB, CE and CC Configurations
7-7 Expression for Current Gain
7-8 Transistor Characteristics
7-9 Operating Point and the Concept of Load Line
7-10 Early Eff ect
8 BJT Circuits
8-1 Introduction
8-2 Biasing and Bias Stability
8-3 Calculation of Stability Factors
8-4 CE, CB Modes and Th eir Properties
8-5 Small-Signal Low-Frequency Operation of Transistors
8-6 Equivalent Circuits Th rough Hybrid Parameters as a Two-Port Network
8-7 Transistor as Amplifier
Information Of The Book :
Title: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Download PDF
Size: 12 Mb
Pages: 523
Year : 2010
Format: PDF
Language : English
Author: S. K. Bhattacharya
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