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Practical Electronics for Inventors
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PDF Practical Electronics for Inventors
About Of The Book :
"Practical Electronics for Inventors" is a comprehensive guide to electronics for hobbyists, students, and engineers. It covers the fundamental concepts and practical skills needed to get started in the field of electronics, including circuit design, prototyping, and testing. The book features a variety of practical projects and experiments that illustrate key concepts, and provides detailed explanations of the underlying theory. Topics covered include diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, voltage regulators, and digital electronics, among others. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about electronics and building their own projects.
Inventors in the field of electronics are individuals who possess the knowledge, intuition, creativity,
and technical know-how to turn their ideas into real-life electrical gadgets. It is my hope that this book
will provide you with an intuitive understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of electronics
in a way that fuels your creativity.
This book is designed to help beginning inventors invent. It assumes little to no prior knowledge of
electronics. Therefore, educators, students, and aspiring hobbyists will find this book a good initial
text. At the same time, technicians and more advanced hobbyists may find this book a useful resource.
Notes About the Third Edition
The third edition of Practical Electronics for Inventors includes the following new chapters:
• Chapter 6, “Sensors,” covers a wide range of discrete and IC sensors, such as temperature sensors,
accelerometers, rotary encoders, and Geiger–Müller tubes.
• Chapter 13, “Microcontrollers,” includes in-depth details of Atmel and Microchip
microcontrollers, as well as the popular Arduino and BASIC Stamp prototyping platforms. There
is also a comprehensive section on interfacing with microcontrollers and serial communications,
including I
2C, SPI, and 1-Wire.
• Chapter 16, “Modular Electronics,” covers the wide range of prebuilt electronic modules as useful
prototyping tools. This chapter lists some of the most useful modules available, and also provides
details of useful special-purpose ICs and an introduction to the plug-together approach of .NET
Throughout the book, there have been numerous changes, bringing the material up to date and
including new topics such as GPS modules, digital amplification, LED Charlieplexing, and
introductions to the use of modern software tools like EAGLE PCB Design and CircuitLab’s online
simulation software.
Contents Of The Book :
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Electronics
CHAPTER 2 Theory
2.1 Theory of Electronics
2.2 Electric Current
2.2.1 Currents in Perspective
2.3 Voltage
2.3.1 The Mechanisms of Voltage
2.3.2 Definition of Volt and Generalized Power Law
2.3.3 Combining Batteries
2.3.4 Other Voltage Sources
2.3.5 Water Analogies
2.4 A Microscopic View of Conduction (For Those Who Are Interested)
2.4.1 Applying a Voltage
2.5 Resistance, Resistivity, Conductivity
2.5.1 How the Shape of a Conductor Affects Resistance
2.5.2 Resistivity and Conductivity
2.6 Insulators, Conductors, and Semiconductors
2.7 Heat and Power
2.8 Thermal Heat Conduction and Thermal Resistance
2.8.1 Importance of Heat Production
2.9 Wire Gauges
2.10 Grounds
2.10.1 Earth Ground
2.10.2 Different Types of Ground Symbols
2.10.3 Loose Ends on Grounding
2.11 Electric Circuits
2.12 Ohm’s Law and Resistors
2.12.1 Resistor Power Ratings
2.12.2 Resistors in Parallel
2.12.3 Resistors in Series
2.12.4 Reducing a Complex Resistor Network
2.12.5 Multiple Voltage Dividers
2.13 Voltage and Current Sources
2.14 Measuring Voltage, Current, and Resistance
2.15 Combining Batteries
2.16 Open and Short Circuits
2.17 Kirchhoff’s Laws
2.18 Superposition Theorem
2.19 Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems
2.19.1 Thevenin’s Theorem
2.19.2 Norton’s Theorem
2.20 AC Circuits
2.20.1 Generating AC
2.20.2 Water Analogy of AC
2.20.3 Pulsating DC
2.20.4 Combining Sinusoidal Sources
2.20.5 AC Waveforms
2.20.6 Describing an AC Waveform
2.20.7 Frequency and Period
2.20.8 Phase
2.21 AC and Resistors, RMS Voltage, and Current
2.22 Mains Power
2.23 Capacitors
2.23.1 Determining Capacitance
2.23.2 Commercial Capacitors
2.23.3 Voltage Rating and Dielectric Breakdown
2.23.4 Maxwell’s Displacement Current
2.23.5 Charge-Based Model of Current Through a Capacitor
2.23.6 Capacitor Water Analogy
2.23.7 Energy in a Capacitor
2.23.8 RC Time Constant
2.23.9 Stray Capacitance
2.23.10 Capacitors in Parallel
2.23.11 Capacitors in Series
2.23.12 Alternating Current in a Capacitor
2.23.13 Capacitive Reactance
2.23.14 Capacitive Divider
2.23.15 Quality Factor
2.24 Inductors
2.24.1 Electromagnetism
2.24.2 Magnetic Fields and Their Influence
2.24.3 Self-Inductance
2.24.4 Inductors
2.24.5 Inductor Water Analogy
2.24.6 Inductor Equations
2.24.7 Energy Within an Inductor
2.24.8 Inductor Cores
2.24.9 Understanding the Inductor Equations
2.24.10 Energizing LR Circuit
2.24.11 Deenergizing LR Circuit
2.24.12 Voltage Spikes Due to Switching
2.24.13 Straight-Wire Inductance
2.24.14 Mutual Inductance and Magnetic Coupling
2.24.15 Unwanted Coupling: Spikes, Lightning, and Other Pulses
2.24.16 Inductors in Series and Parallel
2.24.17 Alternating Current and Inductors
2.24.18 Inductive Reactance
2.24.19 Nonideal Inductor Model
2.24.20 Quality Factor
2.24.21 Inductor Applications
2.25 Modeling Complex Circuits
2.26 Complex Numbers
2.27 Circuit with Sinusoidal Sources
2.27.1 Analyzing Sinusoidal Circuits with Complex Impedances
2.27.2 Sinusoidal Voltage Source in Complex Notation
2.27.3 Odd Phenomena in Reactive Circuits
2.28 Power in AC Circuits (Apparent Power, Real Power, Reactive Power)
2.28.1 Power Factor
2.29 Thevenin’s Theorem in AC Form
2.30 Resonant Circuits
2.30.1 Resonance in RLC Circuits
2.30.2 Q (Quality Factor) and Bandwidth
2.30.3 Bandwidth
2.30.4 Voltage Drop Across Components in RLC Resonant Circuit
2.30.5 Capacitor Losses
2.30.6 Parallel-Resonant Circuits
2.30.7 The Q of Loaded Circuits
2.31 Lecture on Decibels
2.31.1 Alternative Decibel Representations
2.32 Input and Output Impedance
2.32.1 Input Impedance
2.32.2 Output Impedance
2.33 Two-Port Networks and Filters
2.33.1 Filters
2.33.2 Attenuators
2.34 Transient Circuits
2.34.1 Series RLC Circuit
2.35 Circuits with Periodic Nonsinusoidal Sources
2.35.1 Fourier Series
2.36 Nonperiodic Sources
2.37 SPICE
2.37.1 How SPICE Works
2.37.2 Limitations of SPICE and Other Simulators
2.37.3 A Simple Simulation Example
CHAPTER 3 Basic Electronic Circuit Components
3.1 Wires, Cables, and Connectors
3.1.1 Wires
3.1.2 Cables
3.1.3 Connectors
3.1.4 Wiring and Connector Symbols
3.1.5 High-Frequency Effects Within Wires and Cables
3.2 Batteries
3.2.1 How a Cell Works
3.2.2 Primary Batteries
3.2.3 Comparing Primary Batteries
3.2.4 Secondary Batteries
3.2.5 Battery Capacity
3.2.6 Note on Internal Voltage Drop of a Battery
3.3 Switches
3.3.1 How a Switch Works
3.3.2 Describing a Switch
3.3.3 Kinds of Switches
3.3.4 Simple Switch Applications
3.4 Relays
3.4.1 Specific Kinds of Relays
3.4.2 A Few Notes about Relays
3.4.3 Some Simple Relay Circuits
3.5 Resistors
3.5.1 Resistance and Ohm’s Law
3.5.2 Resistors in Series and Parallel
3.5.3 Reading Resistor Labels
3.5.4 Real Resistor Characteristics
3.5.5 Types of Resistors
3.5.6 Variable Resistors (Rheostats, Potentiometers, Trimmers)
3.5.7 Potentiometer Characteristics
3.6 Capacitors
3.6.1 Capacitance
3.6.2 Capacitors in Parallel
3.6.3 Capacitors in Series
3.6.4 RC Time Constant
3.6.5 Capacitive Reactance
3.6.6 Real Capacitors
3.6.7 Capacitor Specifications
3.6.8 Types of Capacitors
3.6.9 Capacitor Applications
3.6.10 Timing and Sample and Hold
3.6.11 RC Ripple Filter
3.6.12 Arc Suppression
3.6.13 Supercapacitor Applications
3.6.14 Problems
3.7 Inductors
3.7.1 Inductance
3.7.2 Constructing Inductors
3.7.3 Inductors in Series and Parallel
3.7.4 RL Time Constant
3.7.5 Inductive Reactance
3.7.6 Real Inductors
3.7.7 Inductor Specifications
3.7.8 Types of Inductors
3.7.9 Reading Inductor Labels
3.7.10 Inductor Applications
3.7.11 EMI/EMC Design Tips
3.8 Transformers
3.8.1 Basic Operations
3.8.2 Transformer Construction
3.8.3 Autotransformers and Variable Transformers
3.8.4 Circuit Isolation and the Isolation Transformer
3.8.5 Various Standard and Specialized Transformers
3.8.6 Transformer Applications
3.9 Fuses and Circuit Breakers
3.9.1 Types of Fuses and Circuit Breakers
CHAPTER 4 Semiconductors
4.1 Semiconductor Technology
4.1.1 What Is a Semiconductor?
4.1.2 Applications of Silicon
4.2 Diodes
4.2.1 How p-n Junction Diodes Work
4.2.2 Diode Water Analogy
4.2.3 Kinds of Rectifiers/Diodes
4.2.4 Practical Considerations
4.2.5 Diode/Rectifier Applications
4.2.6 Zener Diodes
4.2.7 Zener Diode Applications
4.2.8 Varactor Diodes (Variable Capacitance Diodes)
4.2.9 PIN Diodes
4.2.10 Microwave Diodes (IMPATT, Gunn, Tunnel, etc.)
4.2.11 Problems
4.3 Transistors
4.3.1 Introduction to Transistors
4.3.2 Bipolar Transistors
4.3.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistors
4.3.4 Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors
4.3.5 Unijunction Transistors
4.4 Thyristors
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers
4.4.3 Silicon-Controlled Switches
4.4.4 Triacs
4.4.5 Four-Layer Diodes and Diacs
4.5 Transient Voltage Suppressors
4.5.1 Lecture on Transients
4.5.2 Devices Used to Suppress Transients
4.6 Integrated Circuits
4.6.1 IC Packages
CHAPTER 5 Optoelectronics
5.1 A Little Lecture on Photons
5.2 Lamps
5.3 Light-Emitting Diodes
5.3.1 How an LED Works
5.3.2 Kinds of LEDs
5.3.3 More on LEDs
5.3.4 LED Applications
5.3.5 Laser Diodes
5.4 Photoresistors
5.4.1 How a Photoresistor Works
5.4.2 Technical Stuff
5.4.3 Applications
5.5 Photodiodes
5.5.1 How a Photodiode Works
5.5.2 Basic Operations
5.5.3 Kinds of Photodiodes
5.6 Solar Cells
5.6.1 Basic Operations
5.7 Phototransistors
5.7.1 How a Phototransistor Works
5.7.2 Basic Configurations
5.7.3 Kinds of Phototransistors
5.7.4 Technical Stuff
5.7.5 Applications
5.8 Photothyristors
5.8.1 How LASCRs Work
5.8.2 Basic Operation
5.9 Optoisolators
5.9.1 Integrated Optoisolators
5.9.2 Applications
5.10 Optical Fiber
CHAPTER 6 Sensors
6.1 General Principals
6.1.1 Precision, Accuracy, and Resolution
6.1.2 The Observer Effect
6.1.3 Calibration
6.2 Temperature
6.2.1 Thermistors
6.2.2 Thermocouples
6.2.3 Resistive Temperature Detectors
6.2.4 Analog Output Thermometer ICs
6.2.5 Digital Thermometer ICs
6.2.6 Infrared Thermometers/Pyrometers
6.2.7 Summary
6.3 Proximity and Touch
6.3.1 Touch Screens
6.3.2 Ultrasonic Distance
6.3.3 Optical Distance
6.3.4 Capacitive Sensors
6.3.5 Summary
6.4 Movement, Force, and Pressure
6.4.1 Passive Infrared
6.4.2 Acceleration
6.4.3 Rotation
6.4.4 Flow
6.4.5 Force
6.4.6 Tilt
6.4.7 Vibration and Mechanical Shock
6.4.8 Pressure
6.5 Chemical
6.5.1 Smoke
6.5.2 Gas
6.5.3 Humidity
6.6 Light, Radiation, Magnetism, and Sound
6.6.1 Light
6.6.2 Ionizing Radiation
6.6.3 Magnetic Fields
6.6.4 Sound
6.7 GPS
CHAPTER 7 Hands-on Electronics
7.1 Safety
7.1.1 Lecture on Safety
7.1.2 Damaging Components with Electrostatic Discharge
7.1.3 Component Handling Precautions
7.2 Constructing Circuits
7.2.1 Drawing a Circuit Schematic
7.2.2 A Note on Circuit Simulator Programs
7.2.3 Making a Prototype of Your Circuit
7.2.4 The Final Circuit
7.2.5 Making a PCB
7.2.6 Special Pieces of Hardware Used in Circuit Construction
7.2.7 Soldering
7.2.8 Desoldering
7.2.9 Enclosing the Circuit
7.2.10 Useful Items to Keep Handy
7.2.11 Troubleshooting the Circuits You Build
7.3 Multimeters
7.3.1 Basic Operation
7.3.2 How Analog VOMs Work
7.3.3 How Digital Multimeters Work
7.3.4 A Note on Measurement Errors
7.4 Oscilloscopes
7.4.1 How Scopes Work
7.4.2 Interior Circuitry of a Scope
7.4.3 Aiming the Beam
7.4.4 Scope Usage
7.4.5 What All the Little Knobs and Switches Do
7.4.6 Measuring Things with Scopes
7.4.7 Scope Applications
7.4.8 Measuring Impedances
7.5 The Electronics Laboratory
7.5.1 Work Area
7.5.2 Test Equipment
7.5.3 Multimeters
7.5.4 DC Power Supplies
7.5.5 Oscilloscope
7.5.6 Oscilloscope Probes
7.5.7 General-Purpose Function Generator
7.5.8 Frequency Counter
7.5.9 Computer
7.5.10 Miscellaneous Test Equipment
7.5.11 Multifunction PC Instruments
7.5.12 Isolation Transformers
7.5.13 Variable Transformers, or Variacs
7.5.14 Substitution Boxes
7.5.15 Test Cables, Connectors, and Adapters
7.5.16 Soldering Equipment
7.5.17 Prototyping Boards
7.5.18 Hand Tools
7.5.19 Wires, Cables, Hardware, and Chemicals
7.5.20 Electronics Catalogs
7.5.21 Recommended Electronics Parts
7.5.22 Electronic CAD Programs
7.5.23 Building Your Own Workbench
CHAPTER 8 Operational Amplifiers
8.1 Operational Amplifier Water Analogy
8.2 How Op Amps Work (The “Cop-Out” Explanation)
8.3 Theory
8.4 Negative Feedback
8.5 Positive Feedback
8.6 Real Kinds of Op Amps
8.7 Op Amp Specifications
8.8 Powering Op Amps
8.9 Some Practical Notes
8.10 Voltage and Current Offset Compensation
8.11 Frequency Compensation
8.12 Comparators
8.13 Comparators with Hysteresis
8.13.1 Inverting Comparator with Hysteresis
8.13.2 Noninverting Comparator with Hysteresis
8.14 Using Single-Supply Comparators
8.15 Window Comparator
8.16 Voltage-Level Indicator
8.17 Applications
CHAPTER 9 Filters
9.1 Things to Know Before You Start Designing Filters
9.2 Basic Filters
9.3 Passive Low-Pass Filter Design
9.4 A Note on Filter Types
9.5 Passive High-Pass Filter Design
9.6 Passive Bandpass Filter Design
9.7 Passive Notch Filter Design
9.8 Active Filter Design
9.8.1 Active Low-Pass Filter Example
9.8.2 Active High-Pass Filter Example
9.8.3 Active Bandpass Filters
9.8.4 Active Notch Filters
9.9 Integrated Filter Circuits
CHAPTER 10 Oscillators and Timers
10.1 RC Relaxation Oscillators
10.2 The 555 Timer IC
10.2.1 How a 555 Works (Astable Operation)
10.2.2 Basic Astable Operation
10.2.3 How a 555 Works (Monostable Operation)
10.2.4 Basic Monostable Operation
10.2.5 Some Important Notes About 555 Timers
10.2.6 Simple 555 Applications
10.3 Voltage-Controlled Oscillators
10.4 Wien-Bridge and Twin-T Oscillators
10.5 LC Oscillators (Sinusoidal Oscillators)
10.6 Crystal Oscillators
10.7 Microcontroller Oscillators
CHAPTER 11 Voltage Regulators and Power Supplies
11.1 Voltage-Regulator ICs
11.1.1 Fixed Regulator ICs
11.1.2 Adjustable Regulator ICs
11.1.3 Regulator Specifications
11.2 A Quick Look at a Few Regulator Applications
11.3 The Transformer
11.4 Rectifier Packages
11.5 A Few Simple Power Supplies
11.6 Technical Points About Ripple Reduction
11.7 Loose Ends
11.8 Switching Regulator Supplies (Switchers)
11.9 Switch-Mode Power Supplies
11.10 Kinds of Commercial Power Supply Packages
11.11 Power Supply Construction
CHAPTER 12 Digital Electronics
12.1 The Basics of Digital Electronics
12.1.1 Digital Logic States
12.1.2 Number Codes Used in Digital Electronics
12.1.3 Clock Timing and Parallel Versus Serial Transmission
12.2 Logic Gates
12.2.1 Multiple-Input Logic Gates
12.2.2 Digital Logic Gate ICs
12.2.3 Applications for a Single Logic Gate
12.2.4 Combinational Logic
12.2.5 Keeping Circuits Simple (Karnaugh Maps)
12.3 Combinational Devices
12.3.1 Multiplexers (Data Selectors) and Bilateral Switches
12.3.2 Demultiplexers (Data Distributors) and Decoders
12.3.3 Encoders and Code Converters
12.3.4 Binary Adders
12.3.5 Binary Adder/Subtractor
12.3.6 Arithmetic Logic Units
12.3.7 Comparators and Magnitude Comparator ICs
12.3.8 Parity Generator/Checker
12.3.9 A Note on Obsolescence and the Trend Toward Microcontroller Control
12.4 Logic Families
12.4.1 TTL Family of ICs
12.4.2 CMOS Family of ICs
12.4.3 I/O Voltages and Noise Margins
12.4.4 Current Ratings, Fanout, and Propagation Delays
12.4.5 A Detailed Look at the TTL and CMOS Subfamilies
12.4.6 A Look at a Few Other Logic Series
12.4.7 Logic Gates with Open-Collector Outputs
12.4.8 Schmitt-Triggered Gates
12.4.9 Interfacing Logic Families
12.5 Powering and Testing Logic ICs
12.5.1 Power Supply Decoupling
12.5.2 Unused Inputs
12.5.3 Logic Probes and Logic Pulsers
12.6 Sequential Logic
12.6.1 SR Flip-Flops
12.6.2 SR Flip-Flop ICs
12.6.3 D-Type Flip-Flops
12.6.4 Quad and Octal D Flip-Flops
12.6.5 JK Flip-Flops
12.6.6 Practical Timing Considerations with Flip-Flops
12.6.7 Digital Clock Generators and Single-Pulse Generators
12.6.8 Automatic Power-Up Clear (Reset) Circuits
12.6.9 More on Switch Debouncers
12.6.10 Pullup and Pulldown Resistors
12.7 Counter ICs
12.7.1 Asynchronous Counter (Ripple Counter) ICs
12.7.2 Synchronous Counter ICs
12.7.3 A Note on Counters with Displays
12.8 Shift Registers
12.8.1 Serial-In/Serial-Out Shift Registers
12.8.2 Serial-In/Parallel-Out Shift Registers
12.8.3 Parallel-In/Serial-Out Shift Registers
12.8.4 Ring Counter (Shift Register Sequencer)
12.8.5 Johnson Shift Counter
12.8.6 Shift Register ICs
12.8.7 Simple Shift Register Applications
12.9 Three-State Buffers, Latches, and Transceivers
12.9.1 Three-State Octal Buffers
12.9.2 Three-State Octal Latches and Flip-Flops
12.9.3 Transceivers
12.10 Analog/Digital Interfacing
12.10.1 Triggering Simple Logic Responses from Analog Signals
12.10.2 Using Logic to Drive External Loads
12.10.3 Analog Switches
12.10.4 Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
12.10.5 Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion
12.10.6 Analog-to-Digital Converters
12.11 Displays
12.11.1 LED Displays
12.11.2 Liquid-Crystal Displays
12.12 Memory Devices
12.12.1 Read-Only Memory
12.12.2 Simple ROM Made Using Diodes
12.12.3 Memory Size and Organization
12.12.4 Simple Programmable ROM
12.12.5 ROM Devices
12.12.6 RAM
CHAPTER 13 Microcontrollers
13.1 Basic Structure of a Microcontroller
13.2 Example Microcontrollers
13.2.1 The ATtiny85 Microcontroller
13.2.2 The PIC16Cx Microcontrollers
13.2.3 32-Bit Microcontrollers
13.2.4 Digital Signal Processing
13.3 Evaluation/Development Boards
13.4 Arduino
13.4.1 A Tour of Arduino
13.4.2 The Arduino IDE
13.4.3 Arduino Board Models
13.4.4 Shields
13.4.5 The Arduino C Library
13.4.6 Arduino Example Project
13.4.7 Taking the Arduino Offboard
13.5 Interfacing with Microcontrollers
13.5.1 Switches
13.5.2 Analog Inputs
13.5.3 High-Power Digital Outputs
13.5.4 Sound Interfaces
13.5.5 Serial Interfaces
13.5.6 Level Conversion
13.5.7 LED Display Interfaces
CHAPTER 14 Motors
14.1 DC Continuous Motors
14.2 Speed Control of DC Motors
14.3 Directional Control of DC Motors
14.4 RC Servos
14.5 Stepper Motors
14.6 Kinds of Stepper Motors
14.7 Driving Stepper Motors
14.8 Controlling the Driver with a Translator
14.9 A Final Word on Identifying Stepper Motors
CHAPTER 15 Audio Electronics
15.1 A Little Lecture on Sound
15.2 Microphones
15.3 Microphone Specifications
15.4 Audio Amplifiers
15.4.1 Inverting Amplifier
15.4.2 Noninverting Amplifier
15.4.3 Digital Amplifiers
15.4.4 Reducing Hum in Audio Amplifiers
15.5 Preamplifiers
15.6 Mixer Circuits
15.7 A Note on Impedance Matching
15.8 Speakers
15.9 Crossover Networks
15.10 Simple ICs Used to Drive Speakers
15.11 Audible-Signal Devices
15.12 Miscellaneous Audio Circuits
CHAPTER 16 Modular Electronics
16.1 There’s an IC for It
16.2 Breakout Boards and Modules
16.2.1 Radio Frequency Modules
16.2.2 Audio Modules
16.3 Plug-and-Play Prototyping
16.4 Open Source Hardware
APPENDIX A Power Distribution and Home Wiring
A.1 Power Distribution
A.2 A Closer Look at Three-Phase Electricity
A.3 Home Wiring
A.4 Electricity in Other Countries
APPENDIX B Error Analysis
B.1 Absolute Error, Relative Error, and Percent Error
B.2 Uncertainty Estimates
Information Of The Book :
Title: Practical Electronics for Inventors Download PDF
Size: 57 Mb
Pages: 1120
Year : 2015
Format: PDF
Language : English
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