Download Install your own solar panels : designing and installing a photovoltaic system to power your home PDF
Install your own solar panels PDF
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Download Install your own solar panels : designing and installing a photovoltaic system to power your home PDF
About Of The Book :
"Install Your Own Solar Panels: Designing and Installing a Photovoltaic System to Power Your Home" is a comprehensive guidebook written by Joe Burdick and Philip Schmidt. The book provides a step-by-step guide on how to design and install a photovoltaic system for your home, including information on solar panels, batteries, inverters, wiring, and mounting systems.
One of the strengths of the book is its focus on the practical aspects of solar panel installation, with detailed instructions on how to select and install the necessary components of a solar energy system. The authors also provide helpful tips on how to save money and maximize energy efficiency.
If you’re interested in this book, surely you already know that solar electricity is good for the environment, national security, and the air we breathe, not to mention your electricity bill. And that it’s one of the best ways to reduce your household’s contribution to global warming. You’ve also probably heard that going solar can actually be cheaper than paying for utility power, and you might wonder whether this claim is true. Well, in most cases, it is true. It just takes time for the incremental savings to overtake the initial investment (after that, the solar power is free). If you install the solar system yourself, you can hit this tipping point a lot sooner — in some cases, in half the time. That brings us to the next big question: Can you really install your own solar panels? Again, the answer is yes. If you can drive lag bolts and assemble prefabricated parts, and if you’re willing to spend a day or two on your roof (or not, if you’re mounting your panels on the ground), you can install your own solar system. You don’t have to know how to hook up the solar panels to your household electricity or the utility grid. You’ll hire an electrician for the house hookup, and the utility company will take care of the rest, usually for free. For a completely off-grid system, the utility company isn’t involved at all. Perhaps disappointingly, this job isn’t even a good excuse to buy new power tools, since the only one you need is a good drill. So, if this is such a doable project, why do most people use professional installers? For starters, a lot of people have good reasons to hire out virtually everything, from oil changes to grocery shopping. (That’s probably not you, but even if it is, this book can help you plan for a solar installation and find a good local installer.) Solar professionals handle more than the installation. They design the system, apply for rebates and credits, order all the necessary parts, obtain the permits, and pass all the inspections. But the fact is, you can do all of these things yourself, provided you have a helpful adviser (this book, for example) and you are willing to follow the rules of the local building authority (that’s where you’ll get those permits). Solar installations are getting easier all the time, and you might be surprised at how much do-it-yourself (DIY) help is available. Two good examples are PVWatts and the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE). PVWatts is an online calculator that helps you size a solar-electric system based on the location and position of your house and the angle of your roof. Solar pros use the same simple tool, but it’s free for everyone. DSIRE offers an up-to-date, comprehensive listing of renewable energy rebates, tax breaks, and other financial incentives available in any area of the United States. And it’s also free and easy to use. Those two resources alone help answer the two most common questions homeowners have about solar electricity: How big of a system do I need? and How much will it cost? Other resources include solar equipment suppliers that cater to DIYers and offer purchasing and technical support, as well as consumer-friendly industry sources like Home Power magazine and the online community Build It Solar. And there’s no law that says DIYers can’t hire a solar professional for help with specific aspects of their project, such as creating design specifications, choosing equipment, or preparing permit documents. What’s been missing from the wealth of information out there is a single expert voice — a guiding light, if you will — that pulls it all together and walks you through the project from start to finish. This book is your guiding light. It tells you what you need and shows you how to install it. Every major aspect of the process is covered, from site assessment and system design to permits, equipment, and installation.
Here are some additional details about the book:
The book is published by Storey Publishing, and the latest edition (2nd edition) was released in 2017.
The book is written in an accessible and easy-to-understand style, making it suitable for both DIY enthusiasts and professional electricians.
The book includes numerous illustrations, diagrams, and photographs to help readers understand the installation process.
The book covers both off-grid and grid-tied systems, making it a useful resource for homeowners who want to reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources or even go completely off-grid.
The book also includes information on how to obtain permits, incentives, and financing for solar panel installations.
The authors have many years of experience in the solar energy industry and have installed numerous solar energy systems in residential and commercial settings.
Overall, "Install Your Own Solar Panels" is a highly recommended resource for anyone interested in installing a solar energy system for their home or business. The book provides clear and practical advice on how to design and install a system that is both cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.
Contents Of The Book :
1. The Basics
Anatomy of a Solar-Electric System
Can I Install My Own PV System?
Going Solar — From Start to Finish
Working with Solar Professionals
Answering the Big Three
2. Assessing Your Site
Measuring Area, Slope, and Azimuth
Sizing Your System with PVWatts
Snow, Wind, and Shade
3. Choosing PV Hardware
Module Support Structures
Inverters and DC Optimizers
4. Designing Your System
PV Circuit Fundamentals
The Design Process
Sample System Designs
One-Line Electrical Diagrams
Wire Types for PV Systems
5. Getting Ready to Install
Permitting and Inspections
Shopping Solar
Solar Financials
Assembling Your Crew
6. Mechanical Installation: Rooftop
Laying Out the Racking
Installing Footers and Rails
Installing Modules
7. Mechanical Installation: Ground-Mount
Setting the Support Posts
Assembling the Ground-Mount Structure
8. Electrical Installation
Final Project Steps
Running Conduit
Component Connections
Final Inspection and Turning On Your PV System
9. Off-Grid System Design
Off-Grid Basics
Sample Off-Grid System Design
10. Beyond Installation: Tips for Troubleshooting, Maintaining,
and Monitoring Your PV System
PV Safety Rules
Shutdown and Startup Procedures
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Monitoring Your System
Information Of The Book :
Title: Install your own solar panels Download PDF
Size: 37 Mb
Pages: 444
Year : 2017
Format: PDF
Language : English
Author: Joseph Burdick & Philip Schmidt
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