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Digital Electronics, Volume 1: Combinational Logic Circuits
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Digital Electronics, Volume 1: Combinational Logic Circuits
About Of the Book:
"Digital Electronics, Volume 1: Combinational Logic Circuits" by Robert Baptist is a textbook that covers the fundamentals of combinational logic circuits, which are the building blocks of digital electronic systems. The book starts with an introduction to digital electronics and Boolean algebra, and then moves on to cover various topics such as logic gates, Boolean functions, Karnaugh maps, and the design and analysis of combinational logic circuits.
The book is well-structured and easy to follow, with numerous examples and exercises to help readers reinforce their understanding of the material. It is aimed at undergraduate students in electrical and computer engineering, but it can also be useful for anyone who wants to learn about digital electronics and combinational logic circuits.
Overall, "Digital Electronics, Volume 1: Combinational Logic Circuits" is a comprehensive and well-written book that provides a solid foundation for understanding digital electronics and combinational logic circuits.
The book is divided into 4 chapters, starting with an introduction to digital electronics and ending with a chapter on practical considerations for implementing combinational logic circuits.
The author provides clear explanations of key concepts, with numerous examples and figures to illustrate the material. The book also includes a variety of exercises at the end of each chapter, with answers provided at the back of the book.
The book covers a range of topics related to combinational logic circuits, including Boolean algebra, logic gates, truth tables, logic circuit simplification, Karnaugh maps, and more advanced topics such as binary arithmetic and code converters.
The book is aimed at undergraduate students in electrical and computer engineering, but it can also be useful for anyone who wants to learn about digital electronics and combinational logic circuits. The author assumes no prior knowledge of the subject, so the book is accessible to beginners.
The author has a wealth of experience in the field of digital electronics, having worked as a professor of electrical and computer engineering for many years. This experience is evident in the clarity and thoroughness of the book's explanations.
Overall, "Digital Electronics, Volume 1: Combinational Logic Circuits" is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn about digital electronics and combinational logic circuits. The book is well-organized, easy to read, and provides a solid foundation for further study in the field.
This book discusses all the different aspects of digital electronics, using
a descriptive approach combined with a gradual, detailed and comprehensive
presentation of basic concepts. The principles of combinational and sequential logic
are presented, as well as the underlying techniques to the analysis and design of
digital circuits. The analysis and design of digital circuits with increasing complexity
is facilitated by the use of abstractions at the circuit and architecture levels. There are
three volumes in this series devoted to the following subjects:
1) combinational logic circuits;
2) sequential and arithmetic logic circuits;
3) finite-state machines.
A progressive approach has been chosen and the chapters are relatively
independent of each other. To help master the subject matter and put into practice the
different concepts and techniques, the books are complemented by a selection of
exercises and solutions.
1. Summary
Volume 1 deals with combinational logic circuits. Logic gates are basic
components in digital circuits. They implement Boolean logic functions and
operations that are applied to binary-coded data. Combinational logic is used only
for logic functions and operations whose outputs depend solely on the inputs. This
first volume contains the following four chapters:
1) Number Systems;
2) Logic Gates;
3) Function Blocks of Combinational Logic;
4) Systematic Methods for the Simplification of Logic Functions.
2. The reader
This book is an indispensable tool for all engineering students in bachelors or
master's courses who wish to acquire detailed and practical knowledge of digital
electronics. It is detailed enough to serve as a reference for electronic, automation
and computer engineers.
Contents Of the Book:
Chapter 1. Number Systems
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Decimal numbers
1.3. Binary numbers
1.4. Octal numbers
1.5. Hexadecimal numeration
1.6. Representation in a radix B
1.7. Binary-coded decimal numbers
1.8. Representations of signed integers
1.8.1. Sign-magnitude representation
1.8.2. Two’s complement representation
1.8.3. Excess-E representation
1.9. Representation of the fractional part of a number
1.10. Arithmetic operations on binary numbers
1.10.1. Addition
1.10.2. Subtraction
1.10.3. Multiplication
1.10.4. Division
1.11. Representation of real numbers
1.11.1. Fixed-point representation
1.11.2. Floating-point representation
1.12. Data representation
1.12.1. Gray code
1.12.2. p-out-of-n code
1.12.3. ASCII code
1.12.4. Other codes
1.13. Codes to protect against errors
1.13.1. Parity bit
1.13.2. Error correcting codes
1.14. Exercises
1.15. Solutions
Chapter 2. Logic Gates
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Logic gates
2.2.1. NOT gate
2.2.2. AND gate
2.2.3. OR gate
2.2.4. XOR gate
2.2.5. Complementary logic gates
2.3. Three-state buffer
2.4. Logic function
2.5. The correspondence between a truth table and a logic function
2.6. Boolean algebra
2.6.1. Boolean algebra theorems
2.6.2. Karnaugh maps
2.6.3. Simplification of logic functions with multiple outputs
2.6.4. Factorization of logic functions
2.7. Multi-level logic circuit implementation
2.7.1. Examples
2.7.2. NAND gate logic circuit
2.7.3. NOR gate-based logic circuit
2.7.4. Representation based on XOR and AND operators
2.8. Practical considerations
2.8.1. Timing diagram for a logic circuit
2.8.2. Static hazard
2.8.3. Dynamic hazard
2.9. Demonstration of some Boolean algebra identities
2.10. Exercises
2.11. Solutions
Chapter 3. Function Blocks of Combinational Logic
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Multiplexer
3.3. Demultiplexer and decoder
3.4. Implementation of logic functions using multiplexers or decoders
3.4.1. Multiplexer
3.4.2. Decoder
3.5. Encoders
3.5.1. 4:2 encoder
3.5.2. 8:3 encoder
3.5.3. Priority encoder
3.6. Transcoders
3.6.1. Binary code and gray code
3.6.2. BCD and excess-3 code
3.7. Parity check generator
3.8. Barrel shifter
3.9. Exercises
3.10. Solutions
Chapter 4. Systematic Methods for the Simplification of Logic Functions
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Definitions and reminders
4.2.1. Definitions
4.2.2. Minimization principle of a logic function
4.3. Karnaugh maps
4.3.1. Function of five variables
4.3.2. Function of six variables
4.3.3. Karnaugh map with entered variable
4.3.4. Applications
4.3.5. Representation based on the XOR and AND operators
4.4. Systematic methods for simplification
4.4.1. Determination of prime implicants
4.4.2. Finding the constitutive terms of a minimal expression
4.4.3. Quine–McCluskey technique: simplification of incompletely defined functions
4.4.4. Simplification of functions with multiple outputs
4.5. Exercises
4.6. Solutions
Information Of the Book:
Title: Digital Electronics Combinational Logic Circuits Vol 1
Size: 5 Mb
Pages: 279
Year: 2015
Format: PDF
Language: English
Author: Tertulien Ndjountche
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