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100 Electronic Projects with Circuit Diagram PDF
About Of the Book:
"100 Electronic Projects with Circuit Diagram" is a book written by Arsath Natheem S. As the title suggests, the book contains detailed circuit diagrams and instructions for 100 electronic projects that range from simple to complex. The book is designed to help electronics enthusiasts, hobbyists, and students to learn and understand the basics of electronics through practical projects.
The projects in the book cover a wide range of applications such as power supplies, amplifiers, oscillators, timers, digital circuits, and more. Each project includes a complete circuit diagram, a list of components, and step-by-step instructions for building the circuit. The author also provides a brief explanation of the theory behind each project, making it easier for readers to understand the underlying principles.
The book is suitable for beginners and intermediate-level electronics enthusiasts and can be used as a practical guide for learning electronics. It is also a valuable resource for teachers who want to use hands-on projects to teach electronics to students. Overall, "100 Electronic Projects with Circuit Diagram" is a useful book for anyone interested in electronics and looking to build practical circuits.
The book includes 100 exciting projects in comprehensive functional description and electronic circuits for innovators, engineering students, and electronics lovers. This book is written for all the people who love innovation. It is a huge collection of ideas to do some innovative project, to create something new. I believe this Book will be helpful for the students for their mini project, also includes functioning basics in the case of electronic components i.e., Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes, Transformers, Transistors, LEDs, Variable Resistors, ICs, and PCB. This book is for scholars and hobbyists to learn
basic electronics through practical presentable circuits. A handy guide for college and school science fair projects or for the creation of personal hobbies, designing new panels and making new circuit designs.
Contents Of the Book:
Basic Electronic Components
Light emitting diode (LED)
Variable resistor (Potentiometer)
Integrated circuit (IC)
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
1. Automatic Water Pump Controller
2. Little Power-Hila Vinegar Battery to power a calculator
3. Night Vision Enhancer
4. Emergency Photo Lamp
5. 1W LED For Automotive Applications
6. Play with Robotic Eye (IR Sensor)
7. Faulty Car Indicator Alarm
8. Long-range Burglar Alarm Using Laser Torch
9. Soldering Iron Temperature Controller
10. Make your own Electric Bug Zapper
11. Timer for Mosquito Destroyer
12. Radiation Sensor
13. Handy Tester
14. Strain Meter
15. Water Pump Controller
16. Timer with Musical Alarm
17. Simple Key-hole Lighting Device
18. Ball Speed Checker
19. Halogen lamp Saver for Bikes
20. HDD Selector Switch
21. Simple Key-Operated Gate Locking System
22. Mains Box Heat Monitor
23. Digital Soil Moisture Test
24. Over-Heating Indicator for Water Pipe
25. Linear Timer for General Use
26. Noise Meter
27. Mains Failure and Resumption Alarm
28. Multipurpose White-LED Light
29. IR-Based Light Control
30. Sequential Device Control using TV Remote Control
31. Software of the Month: Resistor Calculator 1.0.6
32. IR-Controlled Water Supply
33. Triple-Mode Tone Generator
34. Twilight Lamp Blinker
35. Electronic Street Light Switch
36. Standby Power-Loss Preventer
37. Touch Alarm
38. Hum-Sensitive Touch Alarm
39. Room Sound Monitor
40. Security System Switcher
41. Doorbell-controlled Security Switch
42. Pencell Charge Indicator
43. Power Resumption Alarm and Low-Voltage Protector
44. Miser Flash
45. Automatic Soldering Iron Switch
46. White LED Light Probe for Inspection
47. Calling Bell Using an Intercom
48. FM Bug
49. Digital Frequency Comparator
50. Bhajan and Mantra Chanting amplifier
51. Quality FM Transmitter
52. Mains Box Heat Monitor
53. Tachometer
54. Timer from Old Quartz Clock
55. Keep Away Ni-Cd from Memory effect
56. Periodically on off Mosquito ad hoc circuit
57. Crystal AM Transmitter
58. Programmable Electronic Dice
59. PC-Based Candle Igniter
60. Sound Operated Intruder Alarm
61. Versatile LED Display
62. Multiutility flash light
63. Twilight using white LEDs
65. Infrared Object Counter
66. Pushbutton Control for Single-Phase Appliances
67. Soldering Iron Tip preserver
68. Over-Speed Indicator
69. Automatic Washbasin Tap Controller
70. 1.5W Power Amplifier
71. Wireless Stepper Motor Controllers
72. Battery-Low Indicator
73. Speed Checker for Highways
74. Simple Stereo Level Indicator
75. Manual EPROM Programmer
76. Noise-Muting FM Receiver
77. PC-Based Stepper Motor Controller
78. Digital Audio/Video Input Selector
79. Automatic Bathroom Light with Back-up Lamp
80. Simple Low-Power Inverter
81. Mains Interruption Counter with Indicator
82. FM Adaptor for Car Stereo
83. Panic Plate
84. Twinkle X-mas Star
85. Car Fan Speed Controller
86. In Car Food and Beverage Warmer
87. Three Component Flasher
88. Night Lamp
89. Hot-Water-Ready Alarm
90. Optical Smoke Detector
91. Capacitance-Multiplier Power Supply
92. Wireless PA for Classrooms
93. Low-Cost Battery Charger
94. Simple Automatic Water-Level Controller
95. Touch-Plate Doorbell
96. Electronic Ludo
97. Motorbike Alarm
98. Dual Motor Control for Robots
99. Environment Monitoring System Using Arduino
100. Long-Range IR Transmitter
Information Of the Book:
Title:100 Electronic Projects with Circuit Diagram PDF
Language: English.
Size: 7 Mb.
Pages: 105
Format: PDF
Year: 2018
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