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Tempting Promises: An Enemies-to-Lovers Small Town Romance by Corinne Michaels free download

Tempting Promises: An Enemies-to-Lovers Small Town Romance by Corinne Michaels free download

Tempting Promises: An Enemies-to-Lovers Small Town Romance PDF

Download the book Tempting Promises: An Enemies-to-Lovers Small Town Romance PDF written by Corinne Michaels and published on February 22, 2024, in PDF format. The file contains more than  366 pages ...

About the book Tempting Promises: An Enemies-to-Lovers Small Town Romance

What’s the worst thing you could do when you’re stranded in the woods with your rival? Sleep with him. That’s what.

Not only is Rowan Whitlock my sister’s ex, but we’re both vying for the contract that would save my family farm.

So why did it have to be Rowan who came to the rescue after I fell on a remote hiking trail? When the weather turned unexpectedly, we were forced to find shelter and ride out the storm. Only that wasn’t the only thing I ended up riding.

We promise ourselves what happens at the cabin stays at the cabin, but when we get back to Sugarloaf, it’s impossible to stay away from him. Those blue eyes captivate me, his strong body comforts me, and he makes me feel beautiful.

Which is crazy, right?

If only my stupid head would listen and stop this before my heart gets involved, but I keep going back because I’m already in too deep.

I should’ve known that the temptation wasn’t worth the risk because when it all falls apart, our promises are broken, and I’m afraid my heart will never recover.
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