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The Secret Fiancée: Lexington and Raya's Story by Catharina Maura free download


The Secret Fiancée: Lexington and Raya's Story by Catharina Maura free download

The Secret Fiancée: Lexington and Raya's Story PDF

Download the book The Secret Fiancée: Lexington and Raya's Story PDF written by Catharina Maura and published on February 23, 2024, in PDF format. The file contains more than  360 pages ...

About the book The Secret Fiancée: Lexington and Raya's Story

From the author of The Wrong Bride and The Temporary Wife comes another steamy and angsty billionaire arranged marriage romance.

When the woman he'd desperately been looking for crashes into him and spills her drink all over his shirt, Lexington seizes the unexpected opportunity — demanding six rounds of Truth or Dare as compensation.

An evening filled with laughter and a connection he never wanted to feel ends in her walking away — without even leaving him her phone number.

Raya thinks she'll never see him again, until he shows up as her professor, offering her class the opportunity of a lifetime: an internship at Windsor Motors.

What Raya doesn't realize is that none of their meetings were coincidental — and she's the sole reason he took up a teaching position at all.

After all, Lex knows something she doesn't: the two of them are arranged to be married.

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